Enigma2 Image for DM500

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Enigma2 for DM500

Enigma2 port for DM500. Consists of the linux root filesystem,
the kernel image can be either used from the flash or loaded using TFTP/BOOTP.

Extract the contents of the package to an exported directory (e.g. "/tftpboot/dm500-e2") on the NFS server PC.

Boot your dreambox with a serial connection (115200, 8, n, 1) to a PC enabled.
Hit backspace at the bootloader's "PPC load"-prompt and proceed with one of the following setups.

Simple setup kernel init parameters, only NFS export /tftpboot on server
ip= root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=,v3,nolock console=ttyS0,115200 quiet

Advanced setup kernel init parameters, with DHCP + BOOTP server:
root=/dev/nfs rw ip=dhcp console=ttyS0,115200 quiet

Gracias a suomipoeka


Staff member

Now easy to install with FlashWizard Pro (no more serial cable).

Current issues:
- remote control keymap is a bit mixed
- Enigma2 Network setup does not work (ifconfig says everything is ok)
- some gfx and subtitles have wrong colors
- CCcam didn't connect to DM7025's CCcam card share (may be linked to Enigma2 Network issue?)


Staff member

### Requirements
- DM500 is connected to LAN
- FlashWizard Pro for DM500 NFS multiboot
- NFS server on which FlashWizard can install images

### How to set it up
1. Flash an Enigma1 image that has a linux kernel supporting swapon (latest Pli Jade is good)
2. Boot the image you just flashed and when it shows the first dialog/window just leave it there
3. Setup your NFS server if needed (google "Ubuntu NFS server howto" if you don't know what that is)
4. Launch FlashWizard Pro and setup multiboot options
	- Let FlashWizard install it's bootloader on the FLASH when it asks
	- Disable HDD, USB and CF media for multibooting
	- Enable NFS multiboot options (I used path=media/dreamhdd & IP= for share)
	- Press autodetect (should show free space on NFS when connection to NFS server & DM500 are ok)
	- Drag & drop the Enigma2 .fw2 file into the box in FlashWizard
	- Let FW do it's job and when done just close it
5. Reboot your DM500 and select "Enigma2" from the bootloader boot menu
6. Wait 1-5 minutes for Enigma2 to boot up
7. When you see the Enigma2 setup wizard now for the first time, just leave it there (don't set it up yet)
8. Telnet into your DM500
	- Create a swap file for the linux kernel on the NFS (YES, REALLY!!)
		> dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=65536
		> mkswap /swapfile
		> losetup /dev/loop/0 /swapfile
		> swapon /dev/loop/0
	- Set the swap file to be enabled during bootup (modify /etc/enigma2/custom_script.sh)
9. Reboot your DM500 again to see that the swap file is in use after bootup
	- Telnet in and run "free"
10. Done! You may now start setting up and using Enigma2

*** NOTE: Due to the swap you'll see the spinner / cogwheels the first time you enter Menu/Channel List/Movie List.
*** That will clear out quickly once the linux kernel has sorted out optimal memory / swap usage.

### Extra
I've disabled a few plugins by moving them to:
To try them out just move them one level up from the disabled directory.
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