E2 Update Dreambox Enigma2 4.3.0r25


Well Known Member
E2 Update Dreambox Enigma2 4.3.0r25

* dm900/dm52x: remember time after shutdown (requires power to be connected)
* minor fix in german translation
* enable DVB-S(2) blindscan für SiLab based tuners
* fix crash with JPEG containing EXIF-Thumbnails
* fix ServiceName Converter for IPTV Services
* fix crashes on Astra 23.5
* add support für 2160p25 in A/V Setup for HDMI 1.4 4k TVs
* add discrete poweron/off to keymap (only usable with 3rd party rc's)
* add Unicable2 support
* [added after r25 but already on the feed]: add migration for old unicable settings to new config format.
* make the standy background black on dm900 display
* enable extended animations for the display (Animation Setup -> Extended) and make the Extended Animation duration user-configurable (50-1000ms)
* default cross fading animation duration has been adjusted slightly
* fix duplicated mount targets in fstab (drop the old entry)