Don't Try This At Home: (Or elsewhere)


In the Don't Try This At Home Department, police in Chatham, Ontario, said the dumbest crook in 2010 made complete confession on a phone message tape.
The phone message machine happened to belong to the Chatham-Kent Police Services, where Constable Michael Pearce found the taped confession one morning when one of three friends who had robbed a home last year called to complain that media reports on the burglary did not have enough detail, CMI Agency reported.
Potentially a candidate for Don't Try This At Home, a polygamist in Gujranwala, Pakistan, was assaulted in public by two of his wives, who beat him with shoes for marrying a fourth wife in secret and planning to marry a fifth.
The man was attending a wedding reception with wife number three at the time, The Daily Telegraph reported this week.
Don't Try This At Home: A man in Farmington, N.M., was arrested for this week for climbing over a 6-foot fence, smashing a glass door and robbing a house, all while naked and all while tripping on acid, The Farmington Daily Times reported.
Not to box in a column in its first week, Don't Try This At Work: A police corporal in Tampa, Fla., Scott Guffey, ended his career with a bang, resigning after getting caught having sex in the back of his unmarked police car with a 24-year-old woman, not his wife, the incident taking place in a public park in daylight, WTSP-TV, Tampa, said.
And Don't Try This In Someone Else's Home: After a man broke into a house in Bellefonte, Del., this week, he decided it was a good enough place to flop. Intruder John Finch then spent three days in the home drinking it up, before he realized the home had deadbolt locks that required keys to open and he was locked in the house. He called 911 for a rescue and was arrested and rescued, more or less, simultaneously.
