Combine Multiswitches - T90


Senior Member
Combine Multiswitches || T90 || 6 or 8 satellites and 8 users

I have atm equipment for 4 satellites and 8 users:
1 x 17/8 Multiswitch: EMP-Centauri MS17/ 8PIU-6 V10 - Profi Class
4 x Quattro LNB: ALPS BSTE9-101B
1 x Dish: T90 Wavefrontier

I would like to update from 4 satellites to 6 (or even 8) satellites and 8 users:

like that:

or maybe like that:

so for 6 satellites and 8 users I additionally need:
2 x Quattro LNB <- i guess any quattro lnb will do; the smaller the better
1 x 9/8 multiswitch <- which one works?
8 x Diseqc 1.1 switch <-- which one works!?!?!

can someone tell me whats the best way to combine 2 multiswitches?

and what is the difference between these two 9/8 multiswitches?
MS9/ 8EIP-9 economy class
MS9/ 8PIU-5 profi class - I have atm 17/8 profi class switch already
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Senior Member
I would say: Change all LNBs to Octo, change your Multiswitches to 1\8 or 1\10 Diseqcs.
Edit: And sell all not used anymore LNBs and multiswithes via e-bay.


Senior Member
I would say: Change all LNBs to Octo, change your Multiswitches to 1\8 or 1\10 Diseqcs.
Edit: And sell all not used anymore LNBs and multiswithes via e-bay.

wrong awnser. no selling actions are planned.

thats is the idea (have a look at the SUR 211 which combines 2 multiswitches): 117.pdf

so therefore If you want to combine 2 multiswitches an "uncomitted switch" is needed. Spaun SUR 211 is the only one I know.