CCcamSkinInfo E²

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Well Known Member
CCcamSkinInfo E² v.1.0

For Nabilo

#                                                                             #
#                                                                             #
#                            [COLOR="Blue"]CCcamSkinInfo E²[/COLOR] 1.0                             #
#                                                                             #


CCcamSkinInfo commits current server/client stats to the skin
So it's possible to show the following infos:
    Number of available cards
    Number of connected clients
    Number of all all online servers (no matters if they share cards or not)
    Number of servers that are online, but not sharing cards
    Number of offline servers
    Number of cards in hop1
    Number of cards in hop2
    Number of cards in hop3

2. Funktion

So that the skin gets the needed infos, the script "" has to build them first.
The script requests the CCcam-Telnetinfo and selects the above values to 8 files

To keep this infos up to date, the script has to be started by crond with an 1-5 minute interval.
The shorter the interval, the more precisely is the skininfo.

The .info files get readed and commited as a render to the skin.

3. Installation

Do not disable the telnetinfo of CCcam and do not use username and password protection for the telnetinfo!
Don't forward the telnetinfo port to your box and you will have no risk.

    3.1 Installation of the several files

    Install the normal skin without CCcamSkinInfo.

    "" to /usr/script/ : Rights 755
    The "*.pyc" files to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Renderer/ : Rights 644
    Change "skin.xml" with the adjusted one, but make a backup of the original
    skin.xml first.
    Add a cronjob for the script.
    Restart Enigma2.

    3.2 Installation by IPK paket

    For some famous skins we already offer installation pakets, which modify the
    existing skin an putting the files to the right folders and setting the rights.
    Install the to the *.ipk matching original skin on the box and choose it.
    Copy the *.ipk to /tmp and do a install by the IPKG paketmanager.
    Either in the menue of your box or over telnet with "ipkg install *.ipk"
    A backup of the original skin.xml will be build automaticly.
    Add a cronjob for the script.
    Restart Enigma2.

    3.2.1 Removing by IPKG

    Use telnet with: "ipkg remove *.ipk"

4. Modifing a skin

CCcamSkinInfo E² can be used for every E²-skin, that has enougth free place, or where we can
create free place for the skininfo.
The corresponding renderers have to be added to the Skin.xml in the area of the infobar.
The field "render" in the example has to be modified.


<widget source="session.CurrentService" render="shareFile" position="50,50" zPosition="9" size="300,200" font="Regular;14" foregroundColor="#ffffff" backgroundColor="#20202020" />

| Render                   | Description                                                                |
| shareFile                | Number of available cards                                                  |
| clientFile               | Number of connected clients                                                |
| onlineFile               | Number of all all online servers (no matters if they share cards or not)   |
| withoutFile              | Number of servers that are online, but not sharing cards                   |
| offlineFile              | Number of offline servers                                                  |
| hop1File                 | Number of cards in hop1                                                    |
| hop2File                 | Number of cards in hop2                                                    |
| hop3File                 | Number of cards in hop3                                                    |

Thanks to cuuira
Last edited:


Senior Member
here for Gemini 4.20 image

CCcamSkinInfo E2 v1.0
avalon_v_gemini42 ( For SD skin , OK for dm7025 ;) )

thanks to cuuira
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