cccam cfg hacked


hi guys i have a dm7025s with full sly uk subs and cccam and newcs im sharing it internally to my other boxes which is fine and i have 1 outside share to my mate which i use on port 12000 thought i had it secure with webinfo password but i keep getting hacked on my end they keep hacking into my config and adding themselves what port should i be looking at to rid this leech i even changed the box password but still they bypass this any help would be great thanks


Donating Member
Staff member
close these ports in your router 20/21/80/16001 ,

change your default port 12000 to something else aswell

# example # port 1755 and only open it via TCP only for c/s .

tell your 1 peer about your port change only if he can be trusted and only if your sure he hasnt got open ports aswell so they cant get to you thro' him .

Do this and report back if you still have problems .
good luck ,



Super VIP

Additionally to what Barney suggested,
Disable samba.
Also disable FTP in WebIF.​


hi , can you help me , i have a dm500 whith gemini, but the user and the pass is not (root-dreambox), whaw can i bypas the user and pas, or hack it .....thanks.......


Senior Member
hi , can you help me , i have a dm500 whith gemini, but the user and the pass is not (root-dreambox), whaw can i bypas the user and pas, or hack it .....thanks.......

Reset (forgotten) Password Thanx to : SatM from S I board

Well, finally I got access to my DB.

The procedure was resetting the root password, but, the only way is from the TV set directly, through TuxCommander.

I will explain it with some detail, to help anybody with same problem, this procedure reset the root password to get access without it and after will be necessary (recommendable) to create a new one:

1) Install and run TuxBox Commander plugin (Yellow Button in Pli)

2) Change directory to edit /var/etc/passwd (type 4: "Edit")

3) Remove the encrypted password.

3.1) In the file /etc/passwd is the line:
root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh or something as

3.2) the password field is the x or the encripted string EIfidfjeSAEFKEOlasdf5ewr3rWEW

3.3) Delete the x or the whole string. The line now is:

4) Save the file and exit

5) Telnet to your DB with root user without password

6) Change/Create inmediately a new root password with passwd

That's all ..

Start the Commander .

Go down,( push the Button under Ok)

Var - ok -etc -ok-passwd-ok

Changing Password:

~ > passwd

Changing password for root

Enter the new password
(minimum of 5, maximum of 8 characters)

Please use a combination of upper and lower
case letters and numbers.

Enter new password:

Re-enter new password:

Password changed.