Cabin crew reveal oddest requests from travellers


A massage for a Barbie doll, help finding a glass eye and directions to the on-board McDonald’s are just some of the odd customer requests received by airline cabin crew.

A recent survey of 3,000 cabin crew has revealed some of the strange and down-right weird requests made of them. Yes, someone really did want to book a massage for a doll.

Virgin Atlantic staff say the most common crazy requests they hear at 35,000 feet are; 'please can you open the window?' and 'can you show me to the showers?'

But other less frequent stupid questions include the passengers who asked for the captain to stop the turbulence and turn the engines down because they are too noisy. Thankfully they didn't get their request.
Top odd requests heard by cabin crew
Please can you open the window?
Can you show me to the showers?
Please can I have a cup of tea and book a massage for my Barbie doll?
Can you take my children to the playroom?
I have dropped my glass eye, please could you help me find it?
Could you turn the engines down because they are too noisy?
Is there a McDonald’s onboard?
Please can the captain stop the turbulence?
Can you show me to the showers?

A spokesperson for the firm said: "Virgin Atlantic crew will always go that extra mile to offer our customers the best possible service but there are some requests that even we find somewhat challenging!"