Bulsatcom explains position


Bulsatcom explains position
January 14, 2013 10.18 Europe/London By Chris Dziadul

Bulgaria’s Bulsatcom has issued a statement outlining its position in the dispute with bTV Media Group.

In it, the company says that, “the proposed new prices by bTV Media Group are not fulfilling any logical calculation nor are they linked with the popularity of the channels supplied.”

It adds that it wants to protect viewers from “unbearable price rises” and to keep prices at “the old levels” and makes the point that the media landscape in Bulgaria will change following ASO on March 1 this year.

Once it happens, any Bulgarian household will be able to watch bTV channels for free.

Bulsatcom adds that around 35% of its revenues go to cover copyright and that it declares its subscriber numbers to the Communications Regulatory Commission (CRC) every six months.

The dispute between Bulsatcom, which is the main distributor of cable channels, and bTV Media Group, backed by CME and Bulgaria’s leading broadcaster, began late last year.

It also involves TV7, which took its channels off Bulsatcom at the end of last week.