Bank robber's public transit getaway fails


8,190 transit getaway fails -

SAN JOSE, Calif., June 2 (UPI) -- A San Jose, Calif., bank robber, eschewing a getaway car, went "green" and tried to flee the scene of the crime using light rail, police say.
Police said Ermec Antonio Avalos, 25, entered the 100 block of South Market Street branch of Wells Fargo Bank about 1 p.m. Tuesday and, after giving a teller a note saying he wanted money and he had a gun, ran off with an undisclosed amount of cash, the San Jose Mercury News reported Wednesday.
He didn't have a getaway car, so he boarded a northbound train and sat back in comfort -- until police met him at the next stop, where they took him into custody and retrieved the money.
No weapon was found.
"It's not something I've heard of before," police spokesman Dirk Parsons said.