Backing Up Existing Channel List TM5400


Backing Up Existing Channel List TM5400



BACKUP your existing channel list that you have on your TM5400 tm1000 , tm1500 or tm1600 onto your pc using the darkman v1.87 loader or the smiyako v1.87 loader BEFORE loading the new patch

the same tm1000 v1.87 loader is used on the 5000 and 6000 series too

for usb models like the 5000 and 6000 series , Backing up (to usb stick) your channel lists is as follows
usb button ,data transfer then red to upload ndf

( as I explained in the sticky threads in the forum )

if you dont , and it goes pear shaped , you will have to rescan the channels , OR use a channel list from alsat forums like rt1612 posted

also write down your usals and rf settings and av settings as well
Long/lat settings in Menu-installation- motorised settings setting section of menu
rf settings in Menu-System setting-AV output.

this can save you hours of work and only takes less than a minute to do

ideally make sure you have the latest tm factory firmware on your box too , currently on v1.82, as explained in the stickies at the top of this forum , and then load the latest patch over the top of it

so in simple terms:-

backup your channel list

factory reset the box and reboot

load the v1.82 official firmware


factory reset again and check the version number in the system menu is correct


now load the latest DM or MAGIC patch ( currently the v2.77p patch )

load your saved channel list

load the latest kempa82 tm softcam as well

setup the usals , rf settings and av settings as necessary


all should be well , but if not try an earlier patch like v2.72p or v2.74p , especially if you have channel list problems