AZUp v1.2.5


AZUp v1.2.5
Available with a new beta version 1.0.1 RTI core image.

:Source code

whats new :

* Device - choose where You want to install Enigma : on internal DOM , on USB where is also patch.bin file or in Internal HDD

* Advanced options :
- Format Extended partition - if You are using the DOM bigger than normal one >256MB , AZUp automatically create also extended partition, if this option is checked , also that partition wll be formatted , this use for first installation on HDD, but on future installations this should be unchecked, or turned off , to prevent formatting rest of the space on HDD with Your files, movies, music...
Consider same if you are using bigger DOM (>256MB) , for Installation on USB stick always is formatted extended partition.

- Copy kernel - if You are sure that Kernel is not changed for the version of Enigma 2 which You are going to load , You can turn OFF this option to speed UP process of loading new Enigma 2 in Your receiver.

* DHCP ON/OFF - If You don't have active DHCP server on network, Turn ON DHCP that AzBox can get an IP (and also to show that IP on VFD)
When You activate DHCP , if AzBox or some other device which is located on same LAN ask for Network parameters - In field above button DHCP ON/OFF You will get IP address which is leased to that device.
If You are loading Enigma on ULTRA model which is without VFD , my suggestion is that You use crossover network cable and that You connect Ultra directly to Your PC/Notebook on which You are running AZUp, which will make You sure that just ULTRA is getting IP address from AZUp - which AZUp will show You above DHCP ON/OFF button

* Find IP in LAN - searching for accessible devices with IP on LAN group, in which is also located Your PC/Notebook where is AzUp running (mask
This can help You on work with Ultra model if he is connected on LAN where is already running DHCP Server ( As Ultra model missing VFD ).

Bug Fix :
* Fixed problem with returning to Official Firmware

What to say to such a genius as he..;)