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  • hi there, I have dm800 clone estar 3.0, black remote control, my problem is that with none of your patched dreamelite 3.0 versions, my remote control does not works at all, I had to use web interface to control the box, I allso installed enigma2-plugin-extensions-multirc.ipk witch I`v got it from dream-multimedia forum and I tough the it will help me, I have chosed layer1,layer2,layer3,layer4,anyRC....in thet multirc plugin but with no help..still I am not able to use my remote at all so I`m stuck with dreamelite 2.0 experimental witch works. I really wanna use dreamelite because I am verry familiar with this image and with its scrips, emu location and method of theyer start, allso I have found that smargo works best for me in dream elite. can you please point me in the right direction?... is seems that the drivers for my IRC are not installed somehow or I really do not know what to say more. Thank you.
    hi this picture at the bottom of the letter Albout ramiMAHERsim-image, how you write the letter of Experimental buyazýyý How do I write what I olurmusun kýlasör help in
    Hy Rami , i highly recomand your images to everyone , for me its a very stable and fast image for any box. I want to kindly ask you if its possibile to modify an image in that way to not apear any dreammultimedia logo or name.

    Here in Portugal they are very much against clones. I know that its easy to modify the start up pictures , what i mean its if its possible to modify on the led display to not apear dreammultimedia when starts?

    Thanks and Happy New Year!

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    أرجو رد على موضوعى
    Salams Brother Rami,
    Do you have your own image for original DM800se? I liked your skin b20.hd. I like this image, but afraid to install it on DM800se original.
    سلام عليكم اخى
    ارجومنك ان تقبل طلبى
    انضمام معنا في منتدى فنان سات
    للك جزيل شكرا أخى
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    أرجو رد على موضوعى
    سلام عليكم اخى
    ارجومنك ان تقبل طلبى
    انضمام معنا في منتدى فنان سات
    للك جزيل شكرا أخى
    ارجو قبول
    please patch this image depositfiles.com/en/files/4a2s5vttx with current drivers and SLL84a
    its for DM800s
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