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    ciao sei un genio cerco keis piu lista canali piu ultimo firmawer 2013 o il firmawer 4.1.11 scusami o un decoder yumatu mx 800 e oh la parabola da 80 con il motore per vedere altri satelliti ciao ti ringrazio .
    Hi, i have a Amiko 8840 combo with firm 1.5.26emu and i riceve the cline that i set in the netclient config.The problem is the following:
    When i insert the servername with the letters (type: supersat.guest.to) the server connects only after running the ping command (blu key) otherwise it continues to report failed login.
    When insert the servername with the number (type:102.x.x.x) the server immediately connects automatically, without the need of the ping command.
    How can I fix this situation???

    P.S. In both cases, after the connection everything works fine, but for the server with have a dynamic ip, for me a nuisance not being able to enter the servername at letters or always run before the command ping, to connect.

    Thank you for help..!!
    can u help me with some link to firmware and keys to my amiko reciver 3329c and what soft to use update the firmware pls
    Sorry,for precedent post.Please help me, in the firm AMIKO_SHD-7900-8000_v1.4.42_emu_by dreamer1983_24-12-12.rar is present the oscam emu for my hd8240ddt hd, because, i want use this deocder for client with oscam only (newcamd).I have an alien2 for server with oscam (newcamd),Thanks
    Hi dreamer1983
    or there is possibility modify soft to OPTICUM 9500 STi7101_03000200_globo_fairy_ps_1.2.63 ,that receive channels
    TNT France 19.2E ,or could it
    Hello friend,

    I heard you know much about receivers, and I hopeyou know about orton X403p model. I have no sound on dolby channels, and unfortunatelly that is the only available sound track on certain channels.

    I re-flash it with other software, like lemontree, xwindow but still, nothing:( is there a fix?

    please, pretty please help me...

    Sorry to intrude ..I got a dynavision DV-9000 HDPVR can you possibly help me to set it up my motorized dish is ok and running just need to know how to patch the box and insert my cccam and update the loader and software ..I will be so grateful as I tried everything and still lost and thinking of giving up...Many thanks
    Please i need some help with edison argus mini ip. I cant open Polaris Tv on Helas sat with Mgcamd. On Cccam work but when stack cant start again whit out restart. All adders provider work even Bulsat , on dreambox work perfect with Mgcamd 1,35a . Which firmware have something like Mgcamd 1.35a to open Polaris tv?
    Thanks in advance and best regards
    I will like to know if it is possible to change "Homecamd server" to "Newcamd server" in the emu "ver 1.4.xx" to "ver 1.4.80"
    mirmjes dreamer1983
    dhe falimnerit shume per pergjigjen e par! desha me dit ne rast qe ke mundesi me shpjegu si me configuru orton x403p me kan sjell tipat e CCcam por nuk arri dot me bbo asgje ,datat e failit qe me kan sjedh nuk jan isoj me ato qe ndodhen ne menun e konfigurimit, e kam hap me bloc note dhe me notepad++ ,e kam provu me e fut te USB kur e mar per me e hap me thot anglisht qe faili nuk mundet te hapet, na jep nje drejtim ,pershendetje e falimnerit shum per te gjith suportinin nga ana jote
    mirmjes dreamer1983
    muk e di a ke mundes me me shpjeguar si mund te shikoj kanalet e shqiptare me orton HD 403P -ose sky-it 13+16
    hellow dreamer1983 , i have orton x403p receiver the firmware ver till 1.4.34 am able to get the channel of Reliance digital tv RDTV(measat3 91.5 deg) but after than ver in new firmware not able to get channel of RDTV ,
    dreamer 1983,pershendetje kam nje aparat starsat sr x-230 usb,dhe nje x50cu usb ,pas ndryshimit te provajderit nuk arij te shikoj me sport digital te astra te lutem ka ndonje zgjidhje per keta aparate .Respekte dhe shume faleminderit
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