about autoroll biss

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The possibility of changing broadcasting profiles was always present,is not new.
And is not as simple as you try to put it.
There are contract obligations for a period of time between the security providers and equipment providers and the broadcaster,is not like they will change one day to the next,or one year to next,most contracts are made for many years and they cannot change until end.And they they can renew it or use a different one.
A company secure their services for many years by contract,and upgrading mean also a bigger spending that broadcasters might not be able to comply with.

I guess you are too new,but those that started with the digital era in the early 90's,let me include myself, have seen a lot of this "doom days" messengers.just don;t be one of them,no need to,history is not on your side.

Yes it is. From today to tomorrow impossible. No more DVB-S2 feeds until the end of the year. Bullshit. Air of great importance.

The EBU consists of more than 70 broadcasters. All would have to change their technology in a short time. Impossible. This takes several years to go.

For example, I can not see an implementation of novelsat with Ericsson / Tandberg receivers.

Whether the EBU screwed to BISS knows no one. AU-BISS for all the idiot could make the ebu but.

AU-BISS means: any wheeler-dealers write the cws from here and transfer them to their server.


Donating Member
Staff member
Agreed @ digi_knarf and @ kebien
valid points but Yes a lot of major USA Feeds have gone like NFL/Baseball/Basketball/WWE RAW/Smackdown ,
but i can remember very well few various members here argued with me very much 2 Years ago said
and i quote 'ALL Biss Feeds will be gone very,very soon due to public keys '
here we are 2 Years Later and absolutely little has changed apart from said Major US Feeds Changed to Fiber instead of Satellite but i am 99.99% certain That this would have happened regardlessBut not every Broadcaster can afford to make such fast and ignorant Expensive Changes !!

But For Sure we do not know exactly how and what is involved with 'AU-BISS' i think nobody can say for certain ,
i have saw some keys found where the CW Key was never posted anywhere and certainly not here ..it would take a fair bit of work to upload keys to a server and spend That amount of time doing so ..its possible to upload quite a lot but still im far from convinced and some say keys are working on So-Called AU Box within 5 secs how is that even possible ...there is plenty we do not know about for sure so its stupidity to imply something like this without knowing for absolute certainty ..even if this is Correct then Why , Why has this AU not been sorted and done for DVB Cards first instead of Cheap $50 box ??? !!


Senior Member
Agreed @ digi_knarf and @ kebien
valid points but Yes a lot of major USA Feeds have gone like NFL/Baseball/Basketball/WWE RAW/Smackdown ,
but i can remember very well few various members here argued with me very much 2 Years ago said
and i quote 'ALL Biss Feeds will be gone very,very soon due to public keys '
here we are 2 Years Later and absolutely little has changed apart from said Major US Feeds Changed to Fiber instead of Satellite but i am 99.99% certain That this would have happened regardlessBut not every Broadcaster can afford to make such fast and ignorant Expensive Changes !!

But For Sure we do not know exactly how and what is involved with 'AU-BISS' i think nobody can say for certain ,
i have saw some keys found where the CW Key was never posted anywhere and certainly not here ..it would take a fair bit of work to upload keys to a server and spend That amount of time doing so ..its possible to upload quite a lot but still im far from convinced and some say keys are working on So-Called AU Box within 5 secs how is that even possible ...there is plenty we do not know about for sure so its stupidity to imply something like this without knowing for absolute certainty ..even if this is Correct then Why , Why has this AU not been sorted and done for DVB Cards first instead of Cheap $50 box ??? !!

the quality has gone to shit. when was the last time you saw a 50 mbit epl match, even 20 mbit is rare. i see a sr 7120/7200 feed and my eyes role 12-15mbit feeds :( Hi bit rate feeds are still thriving in the USA/CANADA though. Why?


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Staff member
No idea but expensive and fast PC specs is really required for high bitrate feeds i'm content what we still have and thankfull to all members here for the good job they do finding feeds and keys ,
like i said tho' in 2 years not that much has changed apart from we got huge bonus of Tandberg and PowerVU and hopefully still Liga Spain with decent quality and WWE/TNA/UFC PPV's that softens the blow a good deal of loosing major quality in feeds i thinks .
And still quite a few UHD Feeds ran FTA for football BT And LIGA Spain etc..
Wimbeldon well covered too with feeds and Tour DE France ,
But bit sad to see NFL,Snooker Feeds going Fiber but thts the nature of the beast i guess cant have everything all the time .


Stolen CWs from here as I already wrote in server uploaded and people ripped off!

Ridiculous AU. Nothing to get the alone on the series.

Yes, it works au no need to ts files /C8 /tabels and .....

Do you have this box? TIGER STAR ?

So if you do not have

shut up


Yes, it works au no need to ts files /C8 /tabels and .....

Do you have this box? TIGER STAR ?

So if you do not have

shut up

Keep your cheap china-garbage for you.

AU-BISS made by server ... LOL.

You do not know what AU is. By server in any case not.


I bought StarMax MINI A6 from IRAQ
It is lowcoast box but working AU BISS well & fast
H/W = ALI3510C
good server & fast


from where buy this box TIGER STAR in EU, who sellers this box in EU?

Most of these boxes are in the Middle East

Not available in Europe
It can only be found in Eastern Europe
Because of the rules there IKS .....
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I found this subject:

ALI 3510A
ALI 3510C
ALI 3511
ALI 3516
ALI 3521
ALI 3526

All supporting AU BISS


Staff member
Super Moderator
Most of these boxes are in the Middle East

Not available in Europe
It can only be found in Eastern Europe
Because of the rules there IKS .....

You are doing a lot of advertising for free about this receiver. Maybe the manufacturers of this receiver must make donation to Sat Universe :eek:


You are doing a lot of advertising for free about this receiver. Maybe the manufacturers of this receiver must make donation to Sat Universe :eek:
There are 40 brands
in the Middle East

This is not for Europe
No need for advertising
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