HbbTV Player Plugin


Staff member
Plugin HbbTV Player

Cilj je strimati sve HbbTV servise, na jednom mjestu, kroz "player". Znači, potpuno neovisno od kanala koji se gleda. Npr. gledaš HTV1, a otvaraš NovaTV HbbTV.

na nekim kantama neće raditi, tri razloga:

  1. ne mogu na svemu testirati
  2. neke kante jednostavno ne mogu potjerati hbbtv
  3. neki će na startu plugina dobiti poruku kako se ne može pronaći odgovarajuća hbbtv platforma

U trećem slučaju reci mi koja je platforma/plugin instaliran (možda OperaHbbTV?). Opera za sada nije podržana, vidjet ćemo kasnije. Nije Opera, a siguran si da se HbbTV servisi otvaraju ok, a dalje dobivaš prethodnu poruku.. ok pošalji mi HbbTV plugin pa da vidimo.

Sve one kante koje koriste platforme: HbbTV-nexTV (Octagon SF4008...), HbbTV-qt (ZgemmaH7, Ax/Mutant51...), WebkitHbbTV (vjerojatno svi VU+ UHD...) i obični hbbtv (neke mipsel kante) ne bi trebale dobiti prethodnu poruku (no nikad se ne zna


  • za sada ima 188 servisa
  • neki hbbtv servisi mogu biti usporeni (uglavnom Exit tipka rješava sve. Pričekati koju sekundu da izađe, no panics)
  • neki servisi su možda off ili su duplirani ()
  • fale neki servise (koji?)

Nakon što dodaš prvi u listu favorit datoteka je /etc/enigma2/fnchbbtvfav.cfg

with google translate

The goal is to strike all HbbTV services, in one place, through "players". So completely independent of the channel being watched. Eg. watch HTV1 and open NovaTV HbbTV.

in some areas it will not work, for three reasons:
I can not all question
some cans just can not chase hbbtv
some will get a message at the beginning of the plugin that can not find a suitable hbbtv platform

In the third case, tell me which platform / plugin is installed (perhaps OperaHbbTV?). Opera is not yet supported, we'll see later. This is not Opera, and you are confident that HbbTV services are fine and you get a preliminary message .. ok send me the HbbTV plugin so we can see it.

All platforms using HbbTV-nexTV (Octagon SF4008 ...), HbbTV-qt (ZgemmaH7, Ax / Mutant51 ...), WebkitHbbTV (probably all VU + UHD ...) and ordinary hbbtv (some mipsel sets) you should get a previous message (but never know

for now there are 188 service providers
some hbbtv services can be slowed down (mainly Exit key resolves everything. Wait for the moment to exit, no pancreas)
some services may be excluded or duplicated ()
neglect some services (who?)

After you add first to your favorite files list, it is /etc/enigma2/fnchbbtvfav.cfg


Last edited:


Staff member
hbbTV Player 0.2-r2

- Update
STV1 HD,Markiza HD,Dajto HD ,DomaHD
+ SlagrTV, PrimaTV, RTV 4 (Slovenia).

specified for PurE2 Team Images