Logging Emm/Ecm using The Last Drakkar


Logging Emm/Ecm using The Last Drakkar

To logger to work properly, we need to have installed DvbSnoop.
In most of the linux receiver's is already in the standard.
If you do not have it, then we need to install.

Log in
1.Run the program
2.Go to the "Logger" (1)
3.In the "Telnet connection settings" (2):
- In the "Host" enter the IP of our receiver
- In the "Port" enter the port number on which we will sign, if no one has changed the default is 23
- Login and Pass - usually the telnet interface is only login 'root' when you have assigned a password, enter it in the box and select
- Select what you want to login, Emm or Ecm
4.If your receiver has two or more heads choose which head you want to sign (3)
DevNr - 0 is the first head
DevNr - 1 is the second head on the receiver with two heads, 0 is the first, etc.
5.Click "Get PIDs" (4), and after a while, the window will show us the providers and PIDs
6.Select the PID from window from which you want to login (5)
7.In the "DVBSnoop1.4.51 query parameters" (6):
- You can use the filter, putting for example UA/SA
- If you want a particular number of instructions, select the Limit EMM/ECM and enter the amount
- Select in what and where you want to save instructions in "Export results", we can choose several options:


'Bin file on hdd' will create the logs in a bin file and save to your hard drive
'Txt file on hdd' will create the logs in a txt file and save to your hard drive
'Bintotxt tab' instructions will automatically move to the "BinToTxt"
'Log window' which logs are displayed directly in the window
'Bin file in receiv.' Creates a bin file and save it in our receiver
'Txt file In receiv.' Creates a txt file and save it in our receiver
- We also need to specify the path of the file by clicking the "File Location"
8.Press "Start" and the Logger will start (7)


At any time we can stop the logging by the "Stop" (8) button
You can also log on to the PC with cards DVB/PCI (2) , then only select the option "PC Mode" rest same as above
If the Ecm not show us the names of all the channels, then select the "Extend ChNames scan" and renew "Get PIDs"

Sometimes, if it is installed dvbsnoop and is not working properly, change the format appear at the command line. Valid is the user_name@host to look like, change the /etc/profile prompt to \u@\H