DragonCrypt BISS-DCW

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Super VIP
BISS & DCW keys on DragonCrypt

-DragonCrypt manage 26 Control word maximum
-Predator/Predasaur firmware use 25 idents maximum
In clear under DragonCrypt let the 26th element to EMPTY (will not be used by firmware & will not work)

Edit/Modify DCW Keys:
1.Load DRA File
2.In Tree select Control Word Coding system
3.select an Ident
4. Made your changes: CAID, SID, VPID, DCW & Ident Name

Import Keys from file:
The better way is to create 2 files in text mode before inmport keys
Like that easy to create 2 different file
-1 For BISS (for Predator Extented BISS)
-1 or more For DCW (for Predator Extented DCW)
Text file keys structure same as keys on DRA_KEYS.TXT
NOTA:Based my BISS & DCW text file on DRA_KEYS.TXT
Edited file under dragonCrypt (Option Edit Dra keys), Moved, deleted, edited idents like wanted
Saved files

When File ready just do that
1.Select import keys option
2.In import Type select "DRA_KEYS.txt"
3.Load your text file with BISS or DCW only
4.Press Update Keys button (older list replaced by new one)
5.Save file

Joined DragonCrypt BISS Keys.txt, all idents tested and worked (36°East to 30°West)
(DCME key down, Leonardo world key down, Nat Geo Iberia stopped, ...)

Mick/MTV & Earth TV share same SID & VPID -> only the first on list will work
F 2600:0001:1062:0107060E246968F50107060E246968F5 ;Mick/MTV
F 2600:0001:1062:BBEF01ABE67E2084BBEF01ABE67E2084 ;Earth TV

Many Thanx @ Samir02:thum:
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