TV-Browser plugin 2.0


Staff member
There is a new version of the TV-Broswer Plugin. I don't know if anyone outside of Germany minds, but just for completeness.

If you like to use the reminder function of the TV-Browser, then you are able to display those reminders on CubeRevo OSD now as well.

NOTICE: There is an easy way to update from TV-Browser plugin 1.0 to 2.0. You should prefer that so that you haven't to configure it once again (especially channel numbers). Take a look release notes...


TV-Browser plugin 2.0

ver 2.0:
- added Reminder function

ver 1.0:
- initial release


1. Install the interface:
First of all, we will prepare the CubeRevo/IPBox HD. If you have installed the DGS webinterface version 1.6 or higher, you're already done with that point, otherwise you have to put the attached file "interfaces" to /var/www/cgi-bin/ and take care that the file is executable (i.e. chmod 755). That's all, the interface between TV-Browser and CubeRevo/IPBox HD is prepared.

2. Setup the TV-Browser:

2.1 CapturePlugin
There is just one plugin for TV-Browser that we will need, namely CapturePlugin. Usually CapturePlugin is already included in the TV-Browser. If it is installed, you will see a film reel-symbol at the symbols on the top of the screen, or go to "Tools" -> "Recording control". Open it, click on the tab "Devices". Now you can decide to create it by yourself (more complicated) or just import a pre-configured file.
If you want to import a pre-configured file, click on "Import Device" and open the attached file "CubeRevo.tcf". Now you can find a new device called "CubeRevo (Default Driver)". Select it and click on "Configure Device". Below you will see some steps to configure. The only steps that you have to do are marked with "[*]".
If you want to configure it by yourself, click on "Add Device" and enter a name of your device and select the "Default Driver". After clicking on "OK" you can see your Device. Select it and click on "Configure Device".
Now, you can see several tabs:
- [*] Select "URL" and insert "http://*IP*/cgi-bin/interfaces". Of course you have to replace *IP* by the IP address of the CubeRevo/IPBox HD (eg.

- Add the following string to "Record" (without spaces at the beginning and the end!): ADDSCHEDULE&{urlencode(isset(channel_name_external_quiet, channel_name), "UTF-8")}&{leadingZero(start_month, "2")}{leadingZero(start_day, "2")}{leadingZero(start_hour, "2")}{leadingZero(start_minute, "2")}{start_year}&{length_sec}+{variable("1")}+{variable("2")}+{variable("3
")}+{variable("4")}+"{urlencode(title, "UTF-8")}"
- Add the following string to "Delete" (without spaces at the beginning and the end!): DELSCHEDULE&{urlencode(isset(channel_name_external_quiet, channel_name), "UTF-8")}&{leadingZero(start_month, "2")}{leadingZero(start_day, "2")}{leadingZero(start_hour, "2")}{leadingZero(start_minute, "2")}{start_year}&{length_sec}
- Click on "Define additional commands" and insert "Zap" to "Name:" and "ZAP&{urlencode(isset(channel_name_external_quiet, channel_name), "utf8")}" to "Parameter:".
- Click on the left symbol for "Add" and insert "Reminder" to "Name:" and "MESSAGE&{urlencode(isset(channel_name_external_quiet, channel_name), "utf8")}&{urlencode(variable("5"), "utf8")}+%2Fn+%2Fn&+%2Fn{leadingZero(start_hour, "2")}%3A{leadingZero(start_minute, "2")}-{leadingZero(end_hour, "2")}%3A{leadingZero(end_minute, "2")}+{urlencode(title, "UTF-8")}+%2Fn{urlencode(short_info, "UTF-8")}&{variable("6")}" to "Parameter:". Afterwards click on OK.

- [*] If the channel name that is used in the TV-Browser different to the name that is used in CubeRevo/IPBox HD, then you are able to insert an "External Number". Suppose the TV Browser uses the name "Das Erste (ARD)" but CubeRevo/IPBox HD uses "Das Erste", then you have to insert "Das Erste" to "External Number".

- You have to insert some variables here (Description can be different, but the order is important!):
No "1", Description "Type: 0=Recording, 1=Reservation", Value 0 or 1
No "2", Description "Period: 0=Once, 1=Daily, 2=Weekly, 3=Weekdays, 4=Weekends", Value 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4
No "3", Description "Parental control: 0=yes, 1=no", Value 0 or 1
No "4", Description "Power mode: 0=none, 1=Standby, 2=Shutdown", Value 0, 1 or 2
No "5", Description "Reminder text", Value eg. "Reminder:"
No "6", Description "Reminder popup timeout (sec)", Value any positive integer (eg. 20)
- [*] Adjust the width of the columns that you can see the "Description" and change the values in the way you want them to be. I think it is self-explanatory...

I just mention what is important to set, the rest is up to you.
- [*] User: Insert username and password for the webinterface here (leave blank if no you browser doesn't ask for a username or password)
- Wait sec until timeout: 5 (maybe can be changed, but I hadn't test it)
- Check if return Error-Value: ON (maybe can be changed, but I hadn't test it)
- Show Result-Dialog only on error: OFF (maybe can be changed, but I hadn't test it)
- Use timezone provided by OS: ON (or make sure that it is correct!)

2.2 Reminder plugin
If you use the "Reminder" plugin to get a notification of programs that you want to watch, you can send that reminders to CubeRevo/IPBox HD as well. Therefore you have to setup the following. Go to "Tools" -> "Reminders" -> left symbol to go to configure Reminder. There press "Choose Plugin" and select "Recording control" -> "CubeRevo - Reminder".

Update from ver 1.0 to ver 2.0

If you don't want to loose your current settings (such as all "External Number" you set), then you should update the TV-Browser plugin. It can be done very simply by the following steps:

1. Update the interface:
Just replace the file /var/www/cgi-bin/interfaces by the one that is delivered by that version. Take care that the file is executable (i.e. chmod 755).

2. Setup the TV-Browser:

2.1 CapturePlugin
Go to "Tools" -> "Recording control" -> Devices. Select "CubeRevo (Default Driver)" and press "Configure Device". Now, you can see several tabs. Change the following:

Click on "Define additional commands" and on the left symbol for "Add" and insert "Reminder" to "Name:" and "MESSAGE&{urlencode(isset(channel_name_external_quiet, channel_name), "utf8")}&{urlencode(variable("5"), "utf8")}+%2Fn+%2Fn&+%2Fn{leadingZero(start_hour, "2")}%3A{leadingZero(start_minute, "2")}-{leadingZero(end_hour, "2")}%3A{leadingZero(end_minute, "2")}+{urlencode(title, "UTF-8")}+%2Fn{urlencode(short_info, "UTF-8")}&{variable("6")}" to "Parameter:". Afterwards click on OK.

Add the following lines:
No "5", Description "Reminder text", Value eg. "Reminder:"
No "6", Description "Reminder popup timeout (sec)", Value any positive integer (eg. 20)

2.2 Reminder plugin
If you use the "Reminder" plugin to get a notification of programs that you want to watch, you can send that reminders to CubeRevo/IPBox HD as well. Therefore you have to setup the following. Go to "Tools" -> "Reminders" -> left symbol to go to configure Reminder. There press "Choose Plugin" and select "Recording control" -> "CubeRevo - Reminder".