Bikini leaves sunbathers with tan tattoo


Bikini leaves sunbathers with tan tattoo

A range of bikinis has been released which, if worn in good weather, leaves the wearer with a "tan tattoo".

The Italian swimming costumes have basic shapes cut out of the rear, meaning that otherwise covered skin is exposed to the sun.

This means that wearers is left with the patterns "tattooed" on their skin in a tan.

Makers 'Skin Italy' say the tan tattoos are there to give wearers a memory of their summer holiday and turn the imperfection of tan lines into an advantage.
A spokesperson for the company which sells the £35 bikini said: "During the next summer holidays, the marks left by your bikini won’t any longer be unwelcome pale stripes but a rather intended small heart. "Thus, the imperfection of the tan is turned into an advantage."The bikini has been designed whereby a little rubber patch with a little cut out heart allows the sun to leave a little distinct mark on the skin.They added that the bikini can be "even more appreciated once the bikini has been taken off."