How to reflash a Solo2 SE Clone


I've just bought a Chinese clone box, everything was running fine.
It came with Blackhole image, I added a couple of skins via the blackhole addons, whilst changing skin the box didn't come out of the blue GUI screen, and still box wont reboot, stuck on blue screen.

How do I reflash a new image? There is no lcd display on front of this box, so not same procedure as a solo2.


Super Moderator
i guess ur title of your box type is not correct , there is a 3 versions clones of sunray vu+ in market , these r :
1-Sunray solo2 ( the first one came & still some companies manufacturing it)
2-Sunray SE solo2 ( the new box performaning as sunray solo2 & it has all of its feature but enhanced with security & it has 2 version of its own one with front usb & second without front usb & it has double wifi antenna)
3-Sunray SE solo3 ( is the small box clone of original vusoloSE , has no front display)

so ur box is sunray se solo3 the 3rd category of upper one & as u mentioned it has no front display , for flashing it it should be same way u flash vu+solo2, u have to format a 2gb or 4gb usb bin flash memorey stick to FAT32 with a good formatting tool ( u can find it here) , then transfer folder ("vuplus"--> contain the whole image files including force.update file) to usb root , switch off power from back button , insert usb in rear usb , switch on power again & do wait untill it finish flashing , u will notice end of flashing takes around 1 minute & the led will show an interuupted blinking same as car signal :) , then switch off box , remove usb , then switch on & image should boot fine & strat working

finally i would like to say u would better been gone to original soloSE as price is almost same & i do have original vusoloSE & happy to have the original , if u want something clone u would better go for 1st or 2nd category as mentioned above


Thank you Fankoosh, I managed to get a new image on it, I was worried if I used a official image I'd destroy the box, but there was a sticker on the box, with website to download from. So I've now got another Blackhole image on it, you are probably right about going for a genuine SE, I'm not that impressed, takes ages to boot up, and long just loading a new skin.


Super Moderator
ok m8 ,i guess i was wrong after all this explanation coz ur clone is from Lonrisun company & it is not by Sunray , any how u will have to stick to images from their site


The box is slightly different to the photo of the solo3, it has no sunray name on front, and blue led light is nearer to centre of front panel.


Staff member
I'm not that impressed, takes ages to boot up, and long just loading a new skin.

what you probably paid for that or maybe add a little bit more and purchased a genuine VU+Zero, never have to worry about drivers or bootloaders and all the best images without worry of killing your box :thum:


Super Moderator
@Jebro yes of coarse it is not sunray & i wrote in post above ur post , & by the way now sunray se solo2 & sunray se solo3 can accept the original images coz it wont harm the chip coz of its embedded secuirty , on the other hand Lonrisun clones chips can be wipped off & damaged by any original images , but still i will go for original better