HDR1100s UKSFAA 0.0E Displays Factory loader wont start


Hi guys. I'm brand new here and this is the first forum I've posted on so please forgive if I've put this in the wrong place or anything else.

So I have a problem with 10 HUMAX 1100S's

When you turn the devices on they display the words FACTORY LOADER in all four corners of the screen. They show UKSFAA 0.0E and that is not a typo!

Placing a USB stick in the drive with the update files and attempting the usual software update CH- button sees the box attempt to do something stating "Downloading" this never gets any further and just sits there at zero before finally failing.

I have looked at the board and see that there is a Micron NAND Flash chip on it and this is obviously where the problem lies.

I need help understanding how to FULLY flash the device (CHIP) I have managed to get hold of HUMAX Loader Pack but I am really struggling to find any help on the forums on how to use this. I have connected the box to PC USB A to A. I managed to find a couple of other things which I tried but honestly guys I am out of knowledge and need some help and advice. So can anyone on here offer any help?

Thanks ANDY


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