N3XT - Last Version

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Super VIP
Thx to n3xt
This is the first beta test of N3XT. It does not do n3 internal emulation yet!
This is not THE FIX!!

The purpose of this release is, picking up where emunation-sc left off, direct 
smartcard access for rom24x cards fixed and improved error handling in both 
cardclient and smartcard.

You really ought wipe your old directory and install all the files fresh, ini 
has  quite a few changes. Move your custom settings from your old 
emunation.ini to your new n3xt.ini.

[B]rev 001.2[/B]
- Smartcard support for rom 24x fixed.
- Removed ca.cache support. Improved cardclient recovery from 
  bad ecm packet.
- New config file cardslot.conf which contains the serial port configs. 
  Play with toggling CD or RST if you have trouble. Also, if you are 
  using secondary key with rom 24x, leave the boxkey at the default. 
- SmartCardPort config removed from n3xt.ini.
- Telefonica will work if you have keys and proper eep73_102.bin file.

See the *.conf files in the distro zip for examples. 

A note about secondary key and boxkeys. I think a lot of peeps think 
they know their boxkeys, but are wrong. If you are using secondary key
and leave the default 1122334455667788 in smartcard.conf, the program
will calculate boxkey for you and print it out during the init in the console. 
This math is the same RQCS uses and it works. If its different than what 
you think your boxkey is and you are watching tv, then the calculated 
one is actually correct.

If you specify boxkey in smartcard.conf it will use what you specify no 
matter how wrong it is, i.e. no tv.


Staff member
Latest Change:
rev 001.3
Add emm-s/u processing to smartcard.
Fix DVBDream sat position detection.

This ought to fix the issue with dvbdream and amazonas.


Staff member
N3XT rev 001.4

Latest Change:
rev 001.4

Fix serial port config issues some were having. Added raw emm-g/s/u logging to file.


Super VIP
N3XT rev 001.5

This is a release of N3XT that works with Nagra, 
Nagra2, Cardclient and Smartcard only.

[B]Latest Change:[/B]
[B]rev 001.5[/B]
Updated to use latest version of the pthread DLL. 
You need to use the pthreadVC2.dll in this 
distribution for every app that uses N3XT.

Better raw EMM-g/s/u logging to file.
Add SmartDVB support.
Added new ini entry ShowApp in the [N3XT] section, 
what this does is print to the console, at startup, the 
information we require to identify the application that 
is running. When your app comes back "unknown" c&p 
me the information in "Application String 1" and "2"
(there may be several) along with the name of the app.
Default is ShowApp=0.

N.B. More information than this is required to support the app. 
The cooperation of the app writer is required. 
Details available on request.


Staff member
N3XT Rev 001.6

Latest Change:
rev 001.6
Added GB-PVR application support.


Staff member
N3XT rev 001.7

Latest Change:
rev 001.7
Added DT06 init method to smartcard code. Improved math in init procedures of smartcard.
See smartcard.conf for details. Ini entry for ST19Echo disabled as st19 is dead until there is an n3 version.
Added socks proxy support to card client. See cardclient.conf for details on use.
Amazonas will require a new EEP. Its available in the usual places.


N.B. With proxies, it takes a really long time for the old connection to close out on program close. If you close and reopen your program too fast, proxy may fail. Open a command prompt window, run netstat and watch for the TIME_WAIT to disppear.

Also, there seems to be some DT06 confusion about whether it should by 24 or 37 bytes. I am expecting 37. If you have only 24, pre-pend 13 random bytes, they wont matter. I'll clean it up in the next release to where either will work.


Staff member
n3xt rev 001.8

Latest Change:
rev 001.8
Added SSL support and proxy chaining to proxies. See cardclient.conf for configuration details.
Changed smartcard to support either 24 byte or 37 byte dt06-0d. See smartcard.conf for details.
Add new console display options focusing on smartcard and cardclient. New entries in n3xt.ini and console menu.
Fix RawECM and RawEMM console display.



Staff member
N3XT rev 2.0


Latest Change:
rev 002.0
Added gui configuration screen. All options are immediately enabled/disabled on check/uncheck.
New option for show pids. This shows the ecm/emm pids that are reported from the app. Some
make no sense so you get a before/after sanity check. This is intended to make debuging easier
with some apps. n3xt.ini entry is SHOWPID=0/1.



Super VIP
N3XT rev 2.1

[B]Latest Change:[/B]
Revised thread locking for improved performance with multiple servers. 
Concurrent network connections with load balancing between concurrent 
connections. Each server is tested for a good response and those giving 
good responses will be used round-robin. The number of concurrent 
connections and acceptable response times are fixed for now, I'll add them 
to the config screen after a few other projects in progress get finished. 
Latency and connection problems will be mostly unnoticed with several 
servers running.

Console replaced by a gui screen. There is still some work to be done here, 
remember position on extended monitor and copy/paste. You can still log to 
a file. But there so many other changes and improvements it didn't seem 
reasonable to hold back waiting for those last items.

Config screen being a modal window eliminated.
Link in zip to the VS2008 runtimes updated to sp1.


Staff member
Super Moderator
N3XT Rev 002.2

Latest Change:
rev 002.2
Add copy and paste to new console. Fix Dvbdream startup. Add fault tolerance to cardclient.
Change MyTheatre menus. Move About into Config dialog box. Fix dialog box save positon to
extended monitor (doesn't work for MT).
Add config item for max simulataneous connections. Must be between 1 and 8. N.B. Will not take
effect until the program is restarted. Default=2.
Add optional keepalive in newcamd cardclient. Helps when using some multiple servers arrangement.
hostname port [/keepalivetime]:emm See cardclient.conf Use keepalive if you see servers


Staff member
N3XT rev 002.3

Latest Change:

rev 002.3
fix to allow resizing dialog boxes for large system fonts.
add reload cardclient.conf on change so it can be changed on the fly


Super VIP
N3XT rev 002.4

[B]Latest Change:[/B]
fix bug in cardclient.conf reload code, close a file handle leak.
a few little message changes


Staff member
N3XT rev 002.5

N3XT rev 002.5

Latest Change:
rev 002.5
Fix cardclient EMM Processing

Added option to enable/disable config file monitoring for
reload in INI file and in options dialog. Default disabled.
Changed Process EMM selections so the EMM-G and EMM-S/U are
seperately selectable.

Changed logging so that instead of creating directories named
for the date, files have the date in the name and they all go to
one directory.

By default, the AppData\N3XT directory is now used for changable N3XT files.
All applications will share the same files.
S_K_location and LogPath n3xt.ini file entries override using AppData\N3XT.

An "Explore Data" button was added to the options dialog that opens
a explorer window at AppData\N3XT because it is not easy to get there
in Vista or Windows 7. Manual file edits to conf files can then be made.

Change default max connections to 1, check your ini and change it if you
have one connection and have not changed the old default entry.


Staff member
Super Moderator
N3XT rev 002.7

Latest Change:
rev 002.7
Fix EMM-S/U logging
Add DCW display to console options


Staff member
Super Moderator
N3XT rev 002.8

Latest Change:
Fix smartcard dt08 with bev
Change maxparser to improve emm parsing. Use MaxParser, there is still an issue in the regular one.


Super VIP
N3XT rev 002.9

[B]Latest Change:[/B]
- Change retry rules on ecm failure in cardclient, 
   see Guide to N3XT (version 2) for details.
- Improve parser efficiency. Add cache messages to options dialog.
- Add channel data to emm-s/u log.


Staff member
N3XT rev 002.10

Latest Change:
rev 002.10
change smartcard ecm retry on 1st fail
fix for use with dvb epg in win7


A brief explanation of the windows 7 bug and fix is in order. Some dvb apps when used with certain epg plugins cause a delay in the network connection when card sharing first tries to connect. The delay is proportional to the amount of epg data stored by the epg plugin. With a full 9 day guide stored, the delay can be as long as 60 seconds before the network will respond. Its actually a windows bug that appeared between the RC and RTM of win 7. Its not our bug, so we cannot really fix it, but this n3xt version has a workaround that eliminates the delay.

For the curious, when an ssl connection is used (such as newcamd uses to encrypt the card share data), and the ssl layer is first initialized, windows scans all the data in the heap. When the epg puts all the data in the heap, ssl scans all that data before the network connection is allowed to complete. The scan time exceeds the timeout time of the card share server.The solution is to initialize the ssl layer before the epg can read in and process the epg data.


Staff member
N3XT rev 3.0

Add nkshare protocol for nkserver. Use:
N.B. For nkshare the username MUST be exactly 4 characters and the password
and commkey MUST be exactly 16 hex bytes (32 characters). Do NOT use keepalive
or proxies at this time. emm is a 1 or 0 to enable/disable in the cardclient.conf.
In the [N3XT] ini section you have to manually add ForceCamId=1 and your CamId=00112233.

Remember to use the Explore Data button in the config screen to get to the real .ini location.

Restore nagra1 for RTN on Galaxy3c. You need keys (available elsewhere) and you need to add
C901:2650: ;gc3 to providers.map and Nagra=-5 (or whatever to give Nagra1 a higher priority
than Nagra2) in n3xt.ini. Updated files are included in the distribution zip.

Fix EMM activity reset of the keepalive timer
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