[Plugin] Dream Notifications


Staff member
View notifications from your smartphone or tablet on your Enigma2 receiver.
Supports the display of the application logo and pictures in the notification.


• Direct notification on your Enigma2 receiver
• Supports every application that creates notifications (e.g. Gmail, Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger and more)
• Global and application-specific setting options
• Position, size, content, color and transparency can be set
• Time in which the app is active can be configured
• Display of calls including name and photo


- Enigma2 compatible receiver (e.g. dreambox VU + Gigablue Xtrend Edision Optimuss openATV Octagon ...)
- Active web interface (OpenWebIf or web interface)

So that the notifications can be displayed, the plugin 'dream Notifications' must be installed on your receiver.
This can be done automatically from the app or manually.

Installation instructions dream Notifications plugin
In order for the notifications to be displayed on your receiver, the dream Notifications extension must be installed.
This can be done automatically via the app. If you install it manually, please follow these instructions.
Note: For Dreamboxes without IPK installation, please use part 2 of the instructions.

Instructions for receivers with IPK support:

Connect to the receiver via SSH (e.g. Putty)
Change to the TMP directory: cd / tmp
Download plugin:
wget --directory-prefix = / tmp http://dreamepg.de/enigma2-dreamnotifications.ipk
Install plugin (if OPKG is not available, replace with ipkg): opkg install /tmp/enigma2-dreamnotifications.ipk
Restart Enigma2 Receiver: shutdown -r now

Instructions for receivers without IPK support (e.g. dreambox):
Connect to the receiver via SSH (e.g. Putty)
Change to the TMP directory: cd / tmp
Download plugin:
wget --directory-prefix = / tmp http://dreamepg.de/enigma2-dreamnotifications.ipk
Download tools:
wget --directory-prefix = / tmp http://dreamepg.de/ar
Unzip plugin: ar -x enigma2-dreamnotifications.ipkgzip -d data.tar.gz tar xvf data.tar cp -R usr /
Restart Enigma2 Receiver: shutdown -r now]

Download the application from the Google Play

joey99 wrote
Some apps cannot cope with the security settings of the web interface.
Test the following settings in the box:

Menu> Settings> Network> Web Interface> Simple Anti-Hijack Measures> off
and token based security> from

Thanks Christian Fees
Thanks cepheus for *deb version​