Hotbird 13A is moving west


Feed Hunter
Eutelsat Hotbird 13A is @ 8.3 east moving west to 8 west where it will join Eutelsat 8 west A & be renamed Eutelsat 8 west B

Single Satellite View for EUTELSAT HOT BIRD 13A 8.3°E
12.07.2013 14:37:41 UTC

Open 170 hour predicted tracking data for EUTELSAT HOT BIRD 13A
Load Satellite motion charts

Current Sat Longitude Sat Name Launch date Site Org Op Current Lat Longitude at Epoch Equator Crossing Longitude Current Lon Driftrate [] Lon rate of change [°pr.10 min] Lat rate of change [°pr.10min] Inclination E/W Lon Osc (Incl) E/W Lon Osc (Ecc) Current apogee[km] Current perigee[km]
8.2636°E [ Satellite age is less than 20 year AND inclined less than 5.0 deg AND drifting more than 0.08deg/day] EUTELSAT HOT BIRD 13A 08/21/2002 AFETR EUTE + 0.0043°N 8.7347°E 8.2413°E [West] 0.616°W 0.0046 [West] 0.0009 [South] 0.0252° 0.0000° 0.0137° 35839.06 35828.94
Epoch Time of calculation Time since Epoch Current Alt [km] AVR Alt [km] AVR Distance from GEO [km] Number of orbits ID SatCat Predicted Time next crossing Alt. Eq. Crossing Dist. from GEO eq crossing
11.07.2013 19:40:48 12.07.2013 14:36:10 018:55:00 T= 0.79 35836.58 35834.00 47.60 3989.79 02038A 27499 12.07.2013 15:24 35837.4276 51.0276


Feed Hunter
Frequency plan for 8 west

Eutelsat 8 West A @ 8 west covers 10950 to 11200 + 12500 to 12750

Eutelsat 8 West B @ 8 west covers 10700 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750

Frequency plan for 7 west

Nilesat 102 covers 11180 to 12300 (Eurostar 2000)

(Nilesat 102 is at the end of expected life & will cease transmission soon after HB-6/ E8W-B arrives)

Nilesat 201 covers 11700 to 12750 (Spacebus 4000B)

Eutelsat 7 west A 10700 to 12750 (7.3 west) E7WA is another Eurostar 3000


hopefully it will employ the european beam and not the steerable beam like on 8wa,regards mdt


Feed Hunter

Looking at the data for Hotbird 6 (Hotbird 13A)there are 3 beams but only one Ku band footprint & 2 Ka band see below,

1st 2 maps are Ka last map Ku band


Feed Hunter
Hotbird 13A has arrived @ 8 west (Now called Eutelsat 8 West C)

Frequency plan for 8 west

Eutelsat 8 West A @ 8 west covers 10950 to 11200 + 12500 to 12750

Eutelsat 8 West C @ 8 west covers 10700 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750

Frequency plan for 7 west

Nilesat 102 covers 11180 to 12300 (Eurostar 2000)

(Nilesat 102 is at the end of expected life & will cease transmission soon after HB-6/ E8W-C arrives)

Nilesat 201 covers 11700 to 12750 (Spacebus 4000B)

Eutelsat 7 west A 10700 to 12750 (7.3 west) E7WA Eurostar 3000



Feed Hunter
New satellite for 8 west in 2015

Satellite broadcasting in the Middle East and North Africa will soon be gaining powerful new broadcasting resources following the order by Eutelsat of a new satellite from Thales Alenia Space.

Called EUTELSAT 8 West B, the high-capacity spacecraft will be launched in 2015 to 8° West, joining satellites already operated at the adjacent 7° West position by Eutelsat and the Egyptian satellite company, Nilesat.

The EUTELSAT 8 West B satellite will be equipped with 40 operational Ku-band transponders designed primarily to serve DTH markets in North Africa and the Middle East.

It will also introduce a C-band mission to 8° West, with 10 operational transponders connected to footprints covering the African continent and reaching west to South America.