Channel image problems and blind scan, Edision Os Mio Plus 4k


Hello, good morning, I have an Edision Os Mio Plus 4K, I am using OpenAtv 6.3, I have also used OpenAtv 6.4. It has two problems, which I will detail below:

First problem: using the dvbs2x tunner in some tp channels cannot be seen because the image looks pixelated. but if I move the coaxial cable and use the dvbs2 tunner, that problem does not happen

Tunner DVBS2


Tunner DVBS2X


Same channel, same satellite.

Second problem: when doing blind scan, in several satellites I do not download all the channels and if I add the tp manually, it downloads those missing channels with the frequency of a tp that I had already downloaded and I cannot see them since it has another frequency, for example:

When doing blind scan on sat 43w it downloads the tp 3799H30000 and then when manually adding the tp that did not download during the blind scan, I manually enter the tp 4040H30800 and scanning that tp downloads the channels but with tp 3799H30000
In the same way, the blind scan does not complete it in several of the arc's satellites, my satellite dish moves from 43.1w to 133w

Could you help me, this second problem gives me it in both tunner.

Sorry for my English, I used the google translator to be able to communicate with you


Well Known Member
When doing blind scan on sat 43w it downloads the tp 3799H30000 and then when manually adding the tp that did not download during the blind scan, I manually enter the tp 4040H30800 and scanning that tp downloads the channels but with tp 3799H30000
not use identical TID/NID this transponders ?