Irom ms9000 satellite reciever help


Hi all am new to this all thing... its all so difficult to understand also... forgive my ignorance... i would like to know has anyone heard of irom ms 9000 digital reciever, my brother has got it from some local guy in Middle East and he came and fixed it for him, it connects to the internet and shows all channel art pehla and hbo and all... since two days its down, its showing scrambled channel... the guy who sold it to him is not answering the phone... also can anyone please point me towards the thread how to insert keys and how to open the menu for keys from scratch help is very much appreciated...
Also when that guy sold him the equipment manually fed the subscription for 310 days of viewing.. after that he said to call him and renew the subscription for some fees.. can you tell me if the box he gave him is already hacked then how come he set a particular time line... how to crack that also will be a great help.
Thanks all.