Workshop manual: Nokia Dbox2 does not start from the Deep Standby


Perhaps it can use times someone. Creator of the RA is Horry from the key world board.

Quotation: Due to the frequent inquiries to this topic I have me decided a workshop manual to publish. In this guidance one describes, how the following problems of the Nokia Dbox 2 can be repaired: - the Dbox does not start no more, after she was in the Deep Standby. The display lighting does not turn on, the display remains however dark and the Dbox starts. The box can be started only after longer separation from electricity mains again. - the Dbox starts only sometimes after putting the mains cable in. - the Dbox remains starting after the selection of "Dbox again" with an empty display to hang and starts only again after wetting running. The following cause is responsible for the problem: The line TRST (test RESET) of the processor (mpc823) must lie at the time of a RESET on Low (= 0V level). In the processor a Pull UP resistance is present, which draws this line on High levels. The line must be drawn thus externally (e.g. over an accordingly small Pull down resistance) on Low. This Pull down resistance must be so limited that against the TRST pin a tension rests than 0,8V is smaller. In early Nokia Dboxen the resistance value much too highly selected (10 kOhm), with later copies the value on 470 ohms one changed. With some Nokia Dboxen was not at all equipped this resistance. Remedy: First must you find out whether your Dbox at all by the problem is affected. In the Nokia Dbox the looked for resistance has the designation RP70 and sits on the lower surface of the plate in the proximity of the processor. In the following photo it is red marked:


A resistance with the label "471" (= 470 ohms) is blocked then is your Dbox already on the current conditions and no change necessary in your box.


If a resistance is not with the label "103" (= 10 kOhm) blocked or the resistance equipped, then proceeds as follows: Procures a resistance with a value between 470 ohms and 1 kOhm (the exact value is not important) and solders it between the two marked points:


The whole should now look in such a way:


Alternatively can you also, as by the manufacturer of the processor recommended, a diode between the lines PORE SET and TRST solder. That is however more complex and leads finally to the same result. You find more exact information in the "mpc823 user manual" that on the freescale homepage can download you. Examined after the installation of the resistance again and it guarantees the soldered connections that the Anschlussbeinchen of the resistance does not affect other places. Your Dbox should now start perfectly. Cu Horry Quotation end The thanks apply for the Macher of these RA
