Kaon KSC570 + Channel Editor II problems


I have a Kaon KSC 570 patched as follows:
SW V22.00,07
HW 12.C1.A5
Bootloader V.6.1.9v3
I can't use Channel editor II. The receiver displays "FAIL" on the front panel, and on the screen appears
"Loader version BL619v3". Actually the receiver doesn't boot.
Note that the receiver didn't work with BL 219v4, because I couldn't unlock the channels.
I tried to read data from another Kaon KSC 570 with bootloader 219v4. Transfer was also not possible: the receiver displayed again "FAIL " on the front panel. The screen was black.
In both cases I had to turn off the receivers from the back switch in order to make them operational again.
I tried to use setedit but unfortunately it doesn't work properly: on Astra there were 418 channels found instead of 91, in reality.
What should I try next?
Best regards!