

Staff member
Golden-Teletext 1.00

- This is MD-API plugin to show teletext with DVB applications.
- It supports level 1 and 1.5.
- level 1 (G0 Primary Sets and Latin National Option Sub-sets),
Level 1.5 (G2 Supplementary Sets).
- Unicode is supported, including continues characters(Arabic for example)for both of win9x and winNT.
- Save all teletext pages in memory for fast navigation.
- Can save current page as bmp.
- Can use any font as long as it supports the desired language(Unicode) and or teletext fonts.

- Many thanks to Christian Hackbart, Epmak and bisswanger

It can be used with any application supports MultiDec API
Tested with the following applications:-
ALT-DVB, DVBdream, progdvb and WatchTVPro Ex.
MyTheatre and RitzDVB using MDWrapper.
Dvbviewer using SoftCSA.

How to use?
Just copy GoldenTTX.dll to Plugins folder.......

WatchTVPro Ex\Plugins

You can use the following keys for navigation:-

"up" and "down" arrow keys for page+ and page- respectively.
"Right" and "left" arrow keys for sub page+ and sub page- respectively.
"page Up" step forward by 10 pages, "page Down" step backward by 10 pages.
"Home" go to page 100.

Mouse actions:-

"D-click" to toggle fullscrean.
"R-click" to select language, font and save current page.


Staff member
Golden-Teletext 1.10

- This is MD-API plugin to show teletext and teletext subtitles with DVB applications.
- It supports level 1 and 1.5.
- level 1 (G0 Primary Sets and Latin National Option Sub-sets),
Level 1.5 (G2 Supplementary Sets).
- Unicode is supported, including continues characters(Arabic for example)for both of win9x and winNT.
- Save all teletext pages in memory for fast navigation.
- Can save current page as bmp.
- Can use any font as long as it supports the desired language(Unicode) and or teletext fonts.

What is new?
- Add teletext subtitle function (G2 Supplementary character Sets are supported for
Cyrillic, Arabic, Greek, and Latin languages….etc).
- Add tray icon to enable/disable subtitles and select subtitle font.
- Some updates and some fixes.


Staff member
Golden-Teletext 1.20

- This is MD-API plugin to show teletext and teletext subtitles with DVB applications.
- It supports level 1 and 1.5.
- level 1 (G0 Primary Sets and Latin National Option Sub-sets),
Level 1.5 (G2 Supplementary Sets).
- Unicode is supported, including continues characters(Arabic for example)for both of win9x and wint.
- Save all teletext pages in memory for fast navigation.
- Can save current page as bmp and or Unicode text.
- Can use any font as long as it supports the desired language(Unicode) and or teletext fonts.
- Can set time via teletext.

What is new?
- New function to set time via teletext.
- Can save current page as Unicode text (beta).
- Any 3 digits will be a hyper link, click it to switch to this page number.
- press "Back space" to recall previous page.
- press "F" to toggle full screan.
- Press "Esc" to exit full screan.

It can be used with any application supports MultiDec API
Tested with the following applications:-
ALT-DVB, DVBdream, progdvb and WatchTVPro Ex.
MyTheatre and RitzDVB using MDWrapper.
Dvbviewer using SoftCSA.

How to use?
Just copy GoldenTTX.dll to Plugins folder.......

WatchTVPro Ex\Plugins


Staff member
Super Moderator
Golden-Teletext 1.30

- This is MD-API plugin to show teletext and teletext subtitles with DVB applications.
- It supports level 1 and 1.5.
- level 1 (G0 Primary Sets and Latin National Option Sub-sets),
Level 1.5 (G2 Supplementary Sets).
- Unicode is supported, including continues characters(Arabic for example)for both of win9x and wint.
- Save all teletext pages in memory for fast navigation.
- Can save current page as bmp and or Unicode text.
- Can use any font as long as it supports the desired language(Unicode) and or teletext fonts.
- Can set time via teletext

What is new?
- Add mouse control to perform Page+, Sub Page+ ,...etc by mouse.
* This update may be useful for latest version(s) of ProgDVB 6.xx.
* To use it, R-click then select "Show mouse control".


Super VIP
Golden-teletext 1.40

[B]What is new?[/B]
- Add DDE server, auto update every 30 sec, see GoldenTTX.ini.
- Add TTX server, manual navigation using GTServer.exe, see GoldenTTX.ini.
- Fixed some characters, some of these characters may be shown with 
  compatible fonts only (win7 fonts for example).
- Add support to Hebrew language.
- Improved subtitle display.
- Subtitle position, colors and font can be customized.
- Settings will be saved.
- Some other fixes/updates.


Super VIP
Golden-teletext 1.41

[B]What is new?[/B]
- Add DDE server, auto update every 0.5 sec, See "GtClient" for details; 
  Thanks to J?rg Hoffmann for his nice suggestion.
- Fixed some characters, some of these characters may be shown with 
  compatible fonts only (win7 fonts for example).
- Add support to Hebrew language.
- Improved subtitle display.
- Subtitle position, colors and font can be customized.
- Settings will be saved.
- Some other fixes/updates.

[B]* To use DDE server:-[/B]
Name = "Golden-Teletext"
Topic = "MyTopic"
Item = "MyItem"
"GtClient.exe" is a Client example,
Copy "GtClient.exe" to DVB-APP folder,
DDE must be enabled
Golden-Teletext must be shown.
Chose page and sub page numbers,
Click connect,
GtClient.exe will write page and sub page numbers into "GoldenTTX.ini",
Golden-Teletext will send requested page to "GtClient.exe",
Selected page will be updated every 0.5 sec.
You can write your own client.


Super VIP
Golden-Teletext 1.48

Description: -It is MD-API/DVBCore/DVBV plugin to show teletext and teletext subtitles with DVB applications.

Changes in v1.48:
- It will work as MD-API, DVBCore and DVBV plugin.
- Subtitles box options and Arabic options can be changed through tray icon menu.