Triple mission success for Ariane 5


Staff member
Arianespace 5 successful mission of 2020 orbited two telecommunications satellites and one satellite servicing vehicle for operators Intelsat, B-SAT and Northrop Grumman.

With this launch for two of its most loyal customers, as well as a new operator, Arianespace demonstrates the reliability and competitiveness of its launch service solutions, as well as the excellence of its long-established customer relationships.

On Saturday, August 15 at 22:04 UTC, Ariane 5 Flight VA253 was successfully performed from the Guiana Space Center, orbiting two satellites produced by Northrop Grumman: Galaxy 30 for Intelsat, and MEV-2 for SpaceLogistics LLC, a 100% subsidiary of Northrop Grumman; along with BSAT-4b, built by Maxar Technologies for the Japanese operator B-SAT.

Satellite Name: Bsat 4B
Position: 110° E (110° E)
Details:24 Ku-band transponders as well as C-band payload. Will be similar to and co-located with BSAT-4a at 110 degrees East Longitude and function as a back-up that will secure highly-reliable services

Satellite Name: Galaxy 30 (Galaxy 14R)
Position: 125° W (125° W)
Details:C-band, Ku-band and Ka-band transponders to provide the traditional broadcast applications and new network solutions. Also hosts the WAAS-GEO 7 payload. IOT is planned at 84.55 East orbital location

MEV-2 will now service another Intelsat spacecraft, Intelsat 10-02 which launched aboard a Proton-M rocket in 2004 and is currently located in Geostationary Orbit at 1.0 degrees West.
two major differences between MEV-2’s mission and the earlier MEV-1, the first of which being that Intelsat will keep the 10-02 satellite in Geostationary Orbit at 35,786 km instead of moving it up 300 km higher into what is known as the Geostationary Orbit graveyard.
This major difference is due to the success of MEV-1 and Intelsat 901, which had been decommissioned and moved into a Geostationary graveyard so that MEV-1 could rendezvous with it there.
