Amiko Mini HD


Hello All.

I have an Amiko Mini HD which is running clines for UK Sky TV very good, all no problems. (SD only obviously)

A neighbour asked if she could get the same set up, so she bought an identical Amiko Mini HD box. There was no Icon in conditional access to set up IP config, so I downloaded some Firmware from the internet and flashed it into the box.

I then set up a cline from the same provider I use and installed it.

The problem is, that the picture is suffering screen freezes every few seconds.

I have tried her box in my house to rule out internet connection/Satellite dish issues... My box works perfectly in her house. Her box stutters in both my house and her house.

Tried switching the clines around, her cline works fine in my box, so by process of elimination, her cline is fine, as is her internet connection and satellite dish.

What could be the problem? Any Ideas? Thanks in Advance :)


Senior Member
You can try the following tips:
1. Try to install the exactly same firmware as your box.
2. Try to use your CLine on her box.

If the both tips failed, probably your neighbor have a faulty box!
