Can someone tell me who to enter biss keys on a Samsung 9500 VIA CI????

Senior Member
Can someone please tell me who to enter biss keys on a SAMSUNG DSR9500 VIA CI???
Best Regards.
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Super VIP
Not sure if this works

*Press twice i button to get SIِِD and 2 last byte of PMT and PCR;
Example: FOX tv Serbia SID:377D PMT:A4 PCR:A5
**Now You need keys;
Example: FOX tv Serbia:XXXXXXXXXXXX

1)switch to one of BISS channels(like FOX tv Serbia)
2)go to the keys menu by pressing:
(Button 0 + Menu Button)>Key Editor Menu>BISS & DCW
3) press OK button
4)now you have to enter first SID(377D) then 2 last byte of PMT(A4) then 2 last byte of PCR(A5) and then the right keys(XXXXXXXXXXXX) and after all enter FFFF.(I have to mentioned the keys I've wrote in above is only for FOX tv Serbia for other channels you have to change the D*gits)
You have to see the picture.

How to enter BISS keys to RevGold4.2

*Press twice i button to get 2 last byte of SID,PMT,VID and AID;
Example: FOX tv Serbia SID:7D PMT:A4 PCR:A5 VID:A5 AID:A6
**Now You need keys;
Example: FOX tv Serbia:XXXXXXXXXXXX

1)switch to one of BISS channels(like FOX tv Serbia)
2)go to the keys menu by pressing:
(Button 0 + Menu Button)>Key Editor Menu>BISS & DCW
3) press OK button
4)now you have to enter first 2 last byte of VID(A5) then AID(A6) then SID(7D) then PMT(A4) and then the right keys(XXXXXXXXXXXX) and after all enter FFFF.(I have to mentioned the keys I've wrote in above is only for FOX tv Serbia for other channels you have to change the D*gits)
You have to see the picture.
enjoy/thanx MAHDI/HSH


Super VIP
Also found this

For BISS keys, press button “Static” and input BISS keys there.
There, providers ID does not exists, we need to find “SID” and “PMTPID” from the channel which is coded in “BISS” and for which we have the key. These data could be found in different ways; one of them is with Hyper terminal. “SID” amongst all is visible when you switch to the channel and press button “i” at remote. “BISS” key is 16-digit long, and we have available only place for 12 digits, how is that? The thing is that 7th and 8th digit need to be erased from “BISS” key, and 15th and 16th key as well. So, if the key is 12 34 56 78 90 AB CD EF, then 78 and EF are to be erased, and we get key: 12 34 56 90 AB CD, which is to be input in field "Static Key" and press ADD, and it appears in right list.
This just the sample, this particular key does not open anything.
After this, exit from Static part of editor by pressing “X” and that edited “Ram” send to Samsung by pressing button “WRITE”. The only ting which is left is to switch Sammy off and on with the remote and done deal.

Senior Member
Thank you for your answer maniac01,
I have alredy tried that, but my receiver just let's me enter 20 digits, I enter the SID and then the KEY and nothing happens.
If I enter, for example, the SID and the last two digits of PMT and PCR, there will be missing 4 digits on the key.

Senior Member
Also found this

For BISS keys, press button “Static” and input BISS keys there.
There, providers ID does not exists, we need to find “SID” and “PMTPID” from the channel which is coded in “BISS” and for which we have the key. These data could be found in different ways; one of them is with Hyper terminal. “SID” amongst all is visible when you switch to the channel and press button “i” at remote. “BISS” key is 16-digit long, and we have available only place for 12 digits, how is that? The thing is that 7th and 8th digit need to be erased from “BISS” key, and 15th and 16th key as well. So, if the key is 12 34 56 78 90 AB CD EF, then 78 and EF are to be erased, and we get key: 12 34 56 90 AB CD, which is to be input in field "Static Key" and press ADD, and it appears in right list.
This just the sample, this particular key does not open anything.
After this, exit from Static part of editor by pressing “X” and that edited “Ram” send to Samsung by pressing button “WRITE”. The only ting which is left is to switch Sammy off and on with the remote and done deal.

Well, maybe this can solve my problem!:thum:
But there's a thing, I can only enter the biss key throw the remote control, i cant connect the receiver to the pc.
I will try it and see if it works.

Senior Member
Also found this
"So, if the key is 12 34 56 78 90 AB CD EF, then 78 and EF are to be erased, and we get key: 12 34 56 90 AB CD"

Well I finally did it! :thum:
Thank you very mach maniac01 your help was very important!
It wasn't easy but i i figured it out!
I had only space to 20 digits, but the secret was entering the channel's frequency en hexadecimal, then the last byte of the sid and then the last byte of the pmt and finally the key, but "edited" the way on told me.
Like this: 2B98 01 f4 100919362462.
A piece of pie :D
Again, thank you very much maniac01, you were the only in 50 forums that was able to help me!:clapping:
Best Regards