Rocket Auto ACamed Editor V2.6


Latvian satfan
Staff member

Rocket Auto ACamed Editor V2.6




1 - Create a text file that contains the lines CCcam & NewCamd servers are required to be named acamd


Is written lines of servers in the Text file acamd as the following picture


Another image Text file name acamd written lines Servers


Notes on Text file name acamd

Through this file servers are added or edited

As for his program automatically convert this file
for file servers cardclient.conf Special plugin Acamd

Not required to write a C: Or N: character Capital or Small

Sort lines is not required servers type as you like

No problem copying lines CCcam servers but you precision

But you may find some difficulty in copying lines NewCamd servers
you this example to facilitate

for Newcamd lines

Assuming that you have the surfer Naocamd data consists of 16 Port permission will be written on line 16
Will write the first line, and then copy and go to the second line and working his Paste, and then you copy the lines together and go for the line third and operates paste will have 4 lines are copying the four lines and go to the fifth line and works paste will have 8 lines are copying the eight lines and go to line the ninth and works paste will have then, line 16 by amending the port in all lines

How to edit for line servers

To delete lines of servers Text file acamd select lines and then right click and then select Delete

To edit word to replace to all words go to the menu Text file
and Chose Edit then chose Replace you can type old wowd in first Rectangle
and type new word in Second Rectangle and then click on the Replace All button

2 - doubleclick on the file system32.exe

3 - Open the program Rocket Auto ACamed Editor V2.6

4 - Click on the Open button, and then open the file that you previously created acamd.txt

5 - The program will start to work automatically move from one line to another waited until brings message of the conversion program successfully and you can now save file format cardclient.conf and it either by clicking on the button Save or Save As
This file contains a product that lines alphabetically

Watch a video of the program
