SRG SSR moving to UHD in 2021


Staff member
This is the infoletter sent yesterday to resellers and technician, in few words it means that during next year SSR will be ready for HEVC/H265

Infoletter tecnica della SRG SSR - Edizione gennaio 2020


Informazione nazionale della SSR a importatori, rivenditori radio/TV, diffusori e altri prestatori di servizi tecnici.
Tutte le informazioni sulla diffusione e sulla ricezione delle reti SSR si trovano su


La SSR presto pronta per l'UHD

Nell'ambito della sua strategia «UHD Ready», la SSR ha in programma un ulteriore miglioramento tecnico della qualità d'immagine.

Nel corso del 2021, per la distribuzione dei suoi programmi via satellite la SSR passerà allo standard di codifica HEVC / H265. Quest'ultimo è stato sviluppato circa 10 anni fa e standardizzato a inizio 2013 dall'Unione internazionale delle telecomunicazioni. La maggior parte degli attuali apparecchi di ricezione risulta compatibile, mentre quelli che non lo sono (televisori o ricevitori) dovranno essere sostituiti.

La SSR si è quindi preparata in modo ottimale per gli anni a venire e potrà offrire ai telespettatori immagini di migliore qualità.

La tempistica del passaggio sarà comunicata dalla SSR il prossimo anno. Si raccomanda ai venditori di commercializzare esclusivamente apparecchi di ricezione con questa tecnologia.


Senior Member

Die SRG wird UHD-Ready

Im Rahmen ihrer «UHD-Ready»-Strategie plant die SRG eine weitere Steigerung der technischen Bildqualität.

Im Laufe des Jahres 2021 wechselt die SRG auf das neuste Codierverfahren ihrer Programmdistribution via Satellit, HEVC / H265. Dieses wurde vor rund zehn Jahren entwickelt und Anfang 2013 von der ITU standardisiert. Die grosse Mehrheit der heutigen Empfangsgeräte ist damit kompatibel. Geräte, welche die Codierung nicht verarbeiten können (TV-Gerät oder Receiver), müssen nach der Umstellung ersetzt werden.

Damit ist die SRG für die kommenden Jahre optimal vorbereitet, und das Fernsehpublikum profitiert von einer höheren Bildqualität.

Den Fahrplan für die geplante Umstellung kommuniziert die SRG im Laufe dieses Jahres. Bitte verkaufen Sie ausschliesslich Empfangsgeräte mit der neusten Empfangstechnologie.


Donating Member
Staff member

The SRG becomes UHD-ready

As part of its “UHD Ready” strategy, SRG plans to further improve the technical image quality.

In the course of 2021, the SRG will switch to the latest coding method for its program distribution via satellite, HEVC / H265. This was developed around ten years ago and standardized by the ITU in early 2013. The vast majority of today's receivers are compatible with it. Devices that cannot process the coding (TV set or receiver) must be replaced after the changeover.

This means that the SRG is optimally prepared for the coming years, and the television audience benefits from higher picture quality.

The SRG will communicate the timetable for the planned changeover later this year. Please only sell receivers with the latest reception technology.


Staff member

Update: «UHD Ready» strategy

SSR postpones the introduction of the new encoding standard for satellite reception. As for cable broadcasting, from next year the broadcasters will benefit from an UHD-compatible event channel.

At the beginning of the year, SSR announced a change in the coding of its satellite programs from the current H264 to the HEVC / H265.
However, the coronavirus pandemic has overturned many plans around the world: on the one hand, all the major events have been canceled or postponed to next year, particularly in the sports sector; on the other, the Swiss electronics sector has announced that it is not yet ready, especially for the set-top boxes.

The H264 standard remains temporarily valid
Following the changed framework conditions, the SRG has reviewed the situation: the modification of the standard for satellite reception has been postponed until a later date. At the beginning of 2021, all SSR radio and television networks will be available on the 123 Eutelsat Hotbird transponder with unchanged compression (H264) and resolution (720p / 50) standards. The quality of sound and images will remain unchanged. Transponder 17 will operate without any changes until the end of April 2021, after which it will be deactivated. ( fyi transponder is 11526 H)

The postponement of the new codification also takes into account the public that captures the SSR programs via satellite. Users therefore have no need to obtain new or additional equipment for satellite reception.

The new codification is expected in 2024, more details will be communicated in due course.


Staff member
started 09.03.21

In spring 2021, SRG will make a change to its satellite broadcasting, concentrating all its radio and television networks on one transponder and deactivating the other.

SRG currently uses two data streams (transponders 17 and 123) to transmit its radio and television programs via satellite.

New technologies now allow greater efficiency in the exploitation of existing satellite capacity. Therefore, on 9 March, the SSR will reconfigure its transponder 123 and transfer the television networks RSI LA 1, RSI LA 2 and SRF info as well as its 26 radio networks on transponder 123.

Transponder 17 will operate in parallel until the end of June and will then be deactivated. The quality of the audio and images of the radio and television networks will remain unchanged.

Hotbird 13°E freq 10971 H 29700 fec 2/3


I don't think so.. It's only one change of transporder. The other parameters not change for the moment...