firestick 4k question?.


Senior Member
sorry if i,ve posted in the wrong section,not sure where else to put this.

anyone know if i can view 4.2.2 feeds with a firestick 4k in tv and linked to pc?.

was told the normal firestick struggles with 4.2.2 so be interested to know if anyone has this working or if it can work?.


Well Known Member
I cant comment on the 4K firestick, but i can give feedback of other devices, which might be useful to compare specifications etc.

My Kindle HD10 plays 422 via VLC, but with lots of stuttering.

My Oneplus2 phone plays 422 no problem via VLC.

My normal firestick plays 422 via VLC, but very slow/jittery playback and it only works if the chroma is forced to 16RGB in the settings (direct YUV does not work).