Threads not marked as read after I leave


Well Known Member
Not sure why,it show me new posts from several days ago in all sections.
Before,I use to leave the forum and when I come back would show me ONLY the new posts from after I left.
Now I get the same old posts marked as unread.

I tried my settings,but not any option to mark all as read.
This happened a week or so ago after the forum asked me to log back in,was not automatic,and was not marked as remember me.

Something wrong in forum settings?
Just asking.
I would like to mark all as read when I leave,which was automatic before.


Donating Member
Staff member
yes i notice this glitch also .
hopefully something admin can do to resolve that problem ,
cheers !


Before,I use to leave the forum and when I come back would show me ONLY the new posts from after I left.
Now I get the same old posts marked as unread. ... I would like to mark all as read when I leave,which was automatic before.

Well, I think that before that 'glitch' it was faulty and now it's OK.

SU was the only forum where new, but unread posts were automatically marked as read after leaving the forum or even refreshing the page. It was so unpleasant, when opening SU and if forum jammed, after hitting refresh all posts were marked as read before I had read them.

Now it is OK as in any other forum - if I don't read everything at once, I can go back and continue reading new posts.

Solution - manually mark all posts as read - is good option if someone needs clearing all unread posts before closing the forum.


Well Known Member
I did experience that before,when even new unread were marked as read at leaving,but it is normal behavor,in my view,since I find it very improbable I am gonna need to go through new posts that are in sections I would ever read because are not my interest.
And every forum I go, for many years,behave it the same : all mark as read at leaving.
Why would I want 200 new posts every time I log in in a section i never been in?
I think that's the reasoning of marking all read automatically when you leave .


Staff member
Such issues are usually related to cookies. If you don't accept them when you are prompted to there is no way for browser to know what you've read and what you didn't. If there is ever an issue first thing to try is clearing cookies and starting out fresh.


Well Known Member
There does seem to be 2 different behaviours, on the home page, after logging out and back in, new replies are marked as read but in the control panel (subscribed threads) all unread threads remain unread.

Such issues are usually related to cookies. If you don't accept them when you are prompted to there is no way for browser to know what you've read and what you didn't. If there is ever an issue first thing to try is clearing cookies and starting out fresh.
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