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  • Hi on technomate - nano do you no how
    to change the screen size as when i got to epg
    i cant see the channel , Lol

    dont know were to go for help Also is there any LFC SKINS for that model
    am on vix image
    Hola es para ver si pudieras ser otra vez admin del nuevo isla remmota
    atentamente Angel gracias
    mi tf o watt

    hi elgeneral, i would just love the plugin extension "webbouqueteditor" for my Vu+Solo2 and i downloaded the .rar file from one of your post and tried to follow your install instructions and all...but it did not work for me! So i just want to know if you have a .IPK file that i could install on my Solo box? if you want to help with the file...i just say THANK YOU SO MUCH :) Regards...
    hola general,te escribo para pedirtesi sabes de alguien o si tienes tu los programas para meter los firms actualizados y las llaves para los decos sl65 b1 , yo pertenecia a este foro pero ha desaparecido hace tiempo y tenia guardado en un pc los programas para dicho deco y les he perdido y ya no se ni como se hacia para poder meter ni los firms , ni las llaves xq hace tiempo que no utilizo el satelite hasta ahora que puedo volverle a utilizar. osease necesito hasta un pekeño manual y todo por falta de practica . muchas gracias
    hello i have a question, i running sbox in combi with newcamd ..
    i have one card upc nl nagra 1801, everyting wors and runs oke , but
    when i restart sbox ( or the server )
    i'm running with ubuntu ( the latest )
    with smargo 1.7 firm on 5 mhz..

    i have a error... this is the error line

    s box nagra card init
    io: parity error, nagra init stops

    do you know this problem ,, and can you help me...

    thx already
    Hola elgeneral,

    tiene un problema para entrar en un C-Line en Megasat 260 wifi.
    Existe una guía de cómo instalarlo? Y es que el firmware
    lo mejor para esto?

    Check DE-OpenBlackHole, you removed and closed the thread when in fact you mistakenly seen something that is not... you just had to untick the box. I let you fix the issue, reopen the thread and repost the links as I don't have them with me and these are everywhere on many other forum. I let you fix your mistake/error.

    Hallo,i need an info,Cyfraw has deleted my post 'Football match avaliable on 3 East',becouse he said,it already posted by Ord Mantel,but is not really,you can check it now.

    Hello "elgeneral"!Halott Clark Tech 5000hd combom van.Segítség kell,a tápegység kimenő feszültség értékei.Meg akarom tudni jó -e?Sehol nem találok infot.
    hola amigo...buenas tardes
    espero que estes bien.
    a ver si me puedes confirmar esto??=
    I would like to know= AVERMEDIA VOLAR GREEN HD..A835
    is compatible with version= VTI.4.1..VU+DUO??
    hi elgenaral u deleted my post in hd glass 16 section! i know no chat isallowed there can plz just direct me where to chat about hd glass 16?
    hi sir just wonder if u know how to add cccam server in to globalstar box please?
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