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  • Hi.
    I hope you will help my:)
    I have orginal genuin DM800HD se. Unfortuntly I flashed it with wrong (clone image). After flashing the machine rebooted but the LCD displayed "NO CA FOUND". Can I bay SuperSim3 and only change my old sim so I can solve my problem. I have no technical knowledge if I need to program sim or something like that...

    Thanks in advice for your answare
    Contains recognition pattern of the HTML/FakeAlert.opna HTML script virus
    avira says it
    i do not like your behaviour not kind at all against me.
    the link he gaves is a shit
    Please, I want this image ** VU+ Zero : OpenPLi 4.0 with IPTV (More than 800+ IPTV FREE Channels) by MastaG and Japhar Team
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