RelictEPG 0.66.1

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RelictEPG 0.66.1 Yenilik ?
ProgDVB ye template tabanli OSD eklenmis..
Template RelictEPG_MCE.tmpl yi javascriptle kontrol etme eklenmis..
Kayit dan sonra Hibernate/Standby özelligi eklenmis..
Premirere Private EPG düzeltilmis..
Bazi düzeltmeler yapilmis..

Whats new:
version 0.66.1
* new templatebased OSD in ProgDVB (Movement: arrows-keys, Enter: switch to selected Channel) RelictEPG_MCE.otmpl
* new javascript-controlled Template RelictEPG_MCE.tmpl(Movement: arrows-keys, Enter: switch to selected Channel)
* add Hibernate/Standby after record
* fixed Premirere Private EPG (thx to camel)
* other fixes
* version
* removed SteChannelList from commandline for ProgDVB
* fixed German Free TV EPG
* other fixes
fixed problem with shutdown task
* status osd in RitzDVB
* for Premiere EPG only 2 Filter
* bug fix in ProgDVB OSD
* bug fix for empty Description
* by ProgDVB start record switch to correct ChannelsList
* add in "add to schedule" dialog labels for frequecy and timing
* bug fix in stop record
* stability fix
* interfaces speedup
* interfaces imporvements
* skinable "add to schedule" window
* record from web interface
* search fix
* record option: file name from dvb program (for series records)
RelictEPG Çalistigi programlar
- ProgDVB
- My Theatre
- Ritz DVB
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