New car?


Ford and Renault motor companies are planning a post gfc merger for financial reasons. They are planning to produce a hybrid half car from the Ford Taurus and The Renault Clio called the 'Cliotaurus'.

This is proving to be a major headache for car theives, as it is so hard to find!!
I was reading on Yahoo! where some Engineers are already suggesting there will be excessive levels of vibration in it, causing it to leak fluids,
veer sharply in one direction or the other, while producing erratic groans interspersed with an occasional screaming sound, and then just stop dead to cool off before it can get underway again. In extreme cases this will result in a dead battery, overheated motor, and depleted lubrication.

One review suggested the Asian Itchipuzzi may be a slightly more refined choice than the Cliotaurus by comparison, however they will require
specialized tools to service them in order to maintain their otherwise quiet and dependable operation.