-Armenia 1 TV (11026 H 2500 3/5) 36.0*W
-toloint (11496 H 5000 3/4) ok
-Bulsat only IQ & IQ Plus & MX &Ali key & opticum_C_series&MX Saphire key 04 fix @ 39.0E*
-RAI next key 0D fix (11766V & 10992V 27500 3/4) @ 13.0E*
-(MBC) Persia CA (11919 H 27500) 26.0*E
-Telespazio Hungary Ex Mediatech next key 0D 4.0*W
-ODIE with new freq (11052 V 30000 5/6) 39.0*E
-Ictimai TV (10968 H 11200 FEC 5/6) 42.0*E
-Rossiya 1 (+6h) (3825 R 33483 7/8) 14.0*W
-Idman TV Azerbaycan (10966H 11200 5/6) 42.0*E
-Canal+ NL key 04 fix 19.2*E "DOWN @ atm"
-Rossia 1 Vesti Privoljzhe (11675 V 6666 3/4) 45°E
-Kabel Deutschland Key 00 fix (OK) 23.5E*
-TV Globo key 00 fix (11585/VER/27500) @ 13.0°E
-IPTA Plus (12130/VER/27500)Mpeg4 4.8°E
-RTR Planeta (11389/Hor/27500) 4°W
-IRIB 3 with new frequency (12641 V 11166 2/3) 105.5E*
-RTV Mostar (12616 V S/R 2800 FEC 3/4)2nd change 16E*
-BIS TV all new last keys edit for the latest emu @ 13E*,19E*,5W*