EPG Plugin - All Enigma 1

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Super VIP
Thx to mickle026.
Requires hdd or mmc (or network mapped hdd or mmc)

This revision is now beta and checks for hardware have been removed. 
This should now work on all enigma 1 images.

Enigma 1 EPG Plugin,
This is still an alpha test release.
1. About the plugin.
2. How the cache works.
3. Whats On Button.
4. EPG Setup.
5. Display Options.
6. Channel List.
7. Installation.
8. Supported Channels.

[B]About the plugin[/B]
The plugin requires that the files are cached locally for it to view them. 
This is implemented for a few different reasons as I will explain later.

The plugin downloads the channel data (if present for that channel) daily. 
It does this 1 time only and during which period there may be a short delay 
whilst the data is retrieved from the server. After the channel EPG has been 
viewed, it will always load from the users cache and not from the internet, 
so therefore load time is almost instant.

At the moment the setup will only let you save the cache in /hdd or /mmc. 
For people wanting to use this pugin, but do not have these folders then it 
won't work at them moment. Users with networks can map /hdd or /mmc to 
a network folder.

Clicking on a channel in the list will open the information window. This (if 
data is avaliable) will show you information about the program selected. 
If there is extended data avaliable then there will be a "More Info" button 
on the page.

This will open and extended information dialog.

From the main window you can use the "Whats on" feature to search you 
previous cache for viewing information. The "Whats On" feature does not 
search the source website, so in order for it to include a channel, data 
must be present in the cache.

[B]How the cache works:[/B]
Everytime you view the EPG for a channel for the first time, the current 
data is created in the cache for as many days as is avaliable (up to 14). 
So your cache only holds the data for channels that you have looked at 
the EPG.

Now say you looked at "C Cinema Family" yesterday , but did not look 
today then it will still have 13 days of up coming events in the cache.
A channel you viewed 6 days ago will have up to 8 days still present in 
the cache and so on. The data is only updated when you view the 
channels EPG.

ALL of the data in the cache is search in a "Whats On" search.

[B]Whats On[/B]
You can use this feature to narrow down searches by genre and a start time.
It only searches within the current 24 hour day.

When the search is in progress you will see an animated progress indicator 
appear. You cannot cancel the seach. Wait until it completes.

Results will be displayed in the order that they are found (grouped by channel)

[B]EPG Setup[/B]
Setting up the EPG couldn't be easier. If it detects that it has not previously 
been setup then it will automatically lauch the setup window.

Note this menu can also be lauched from YELLOW "options" , Option 1 
"Storage Options"

[B]Display Options[/B]
This function is not avaliable at present.

[B]Channel List[/B]
This option can be launced via the main window YELLOW "Options", 
Option 3 "Channel list"

In this list you will see currently supported channels, this list may not 
be completely accurate as channels come and go, aswell as the ability 
to provide an egp comes and goes.

Use the toggle RED button to change between lists. Use the GREEN button 
to load the latest update, as it will usually load from the cache. 
Maintainence on this list is quite slow.

Before you install, read these notes.

If you already have a tv plugin called extepg.so/extepg.cfg then you will 
need to rename either my plugin or the other one. What calling it extepg.so 
does is add it to the remote control EPG menu or RED button. If you decide 
to call it something else it will be avaliable via the plugins menu. Both files 
must be spelt the same with different extensions.

Copy my files extepg.so and extepg.cfg to /var/tuxbox/plugins
Copy Url to /var/etc

At telnet prompt type chmod 755 /var/tuxbox/plugins/extepg.so - 
this changes the file to an executable.

[B]Supported Channels[/B]
Channels that are supported vary from time to time, but i am always 
striving to add more all the time.


Marching On Together !
Staff member
Version 2

Big thanks to mickle026

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