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  1. C

    SkyBox F3 19/8/2012

    SkyBox F3 Loader SOftware
  2. C

    CCcam 3.6.0

    17/07/2012 CCcam 3.6.0 -several smartcard fixes -added SCIDEVICES setting (see CCcam.cfg for details) -fixed timings display -fixed possible crash with SMP -don't clear SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN and LOADBALANCE settings when configfile changes (changing these settings requires a restart, so they...
  3. C

    Atlas Dongle_Software D1.20

    Atlas Dongle_Software D1.20 update 24-7-2012 screan shot this update tested on :: ASTRA 31.5°E W ..3-4-5-6 SERVER 5 = 242 SERVER 6 = 589 get it from her