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    Picon Oscam TPL Mediaset Premium

    Picon Oscam TPL Mediaset Premium Transparent TPL new picon
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    Full Backup ItalySat 7 FREE VuDuo2 dual tuner dvb-s dvb-t (all Driver dvb-usb) Oscam, CCcam.3.2.3 Pannel Plugin OpenVPN active Other service active Plugin update 2018
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    Fullbackup VuZero_Openpli.6.2.Skin.Glass

    VuZero_Openpli.6.2.Skin.Glass.Xc.PCorvo.PLinuxsupport Ocsam and CCcam (active default) Softcam manager. Glass Utility HERE
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    Openbh-vusolo4k-release-4.1.022-by-Gianni8127 Full Driver-USB DTT WIFI Oscam-EMU & CCcam.3.2.3 Plugins for IPTV Scripts make jk-plugin Other improvements OPENBLACKHOLE-VUSOLO4K-V.4.1.022
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    FullbackupOpenPLI 6.1 Edison mini combo Gianni8127

    FullbackupOpenPLI 6.1 edison mini combo Gianni8127 Full of Script Full of Plugins media Plugin free-ccam and iptv-pandasat-free XC_Plugins pre configured Oscam emu on board HERE
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    Fullbackup VuSolo-4K OpenATV & OpenBlackhole

    Full backup picon, oscam, plugin multimedia Free cccam Free Iptv Collection script Full configured Oscam Emu XC Plugin pre configured Openbh-Vusolo4k-release-4.1.013-20180204_Gianni8127 HERE OPENBLACKHOLE fullbackup_vusolo4k HERE OPENATV
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    FullBackup Vusolo4k Blackhole & OpenBlackhole

    Full Backup VuSolo 4K Optimized for iptv vision Full active services Oscam by Gianni8127 Other Plugins and Improvements VuSolo4K_BlackHole.3.0.4.C VuSolo4K_OpenBlack.1.0.9
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    FullBackup OpenATV 6.1 Evo Combo

    FullBackup OpenATV 6.1 Evo Combo All service network active Mediaportal active Isetting active other adjustments for iptv on board oscam-emu and cccam HERE
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    Oscam.1-20 Mipsel Qboxhd Vuuno4k Gianni8127

    oscam-1.20-unstable_svn11391-sh4-linux (qboxhd) oscam-1.20-unstable_svn11391-mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu (dm8000 vu+) oscam-1.20-unstable_svn11391-arm-linux-gnueabihf (vusolo4k zgemmah7) DOWNLOAD
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    OpenBH 1.0 Vu+ Duo2

    OpenBH 1.0 HERE Whats New: Updated to OE4.0 core Updated to Python 2.7.12 Updated to Gstreamer 1.11.2 (GIT) Automatic backup before online update Option to view changes before online updating Main Features: MX Titanium_C Full Hd skin (1920x1080) Kodi 17.1 (for...
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    OpenBH 1.0

    OpenBH 1.0 VuUno4k OpenBH 1.0 HERE Whats New: Updated to OE4.0 core Updated to Python 2.7.12 Updated to Gstreamer 1.11.2 (GIT) Automatic backup before online update Option to view changes before online updating Main Features: MX Titanium_C Full Hd skin (1920x1080)...
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    Fullbackup OpenATV.5.3 Gianni8127

    Fullbackup OpenATV.5.3 Gianni8127 oscam ok activated all network services activated drivers dvb-usb plugin, script, other config :thum: HERE Fullbackup OpenATV.5.3 Gianni8127
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    Fullbackup BlackHole.3.0.2 vusolo4k

    Full_Backup_BlackHole.3.0.2_VuSolo4K plug-in installed: oscam-1.20-emu srg-ok compilde gianni8127 mgcamd_1.35 ok IMDb HistoryZapSelector Iptv-Update (executes the scripts in the etc/scripts folder, script at default iptv + build xc_plugin) xc_plugin IPTVPlayer IPTVworld iSettingE2 Kodi crossepg...
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    Fullbackup OpenBlackHole.2.0.6 Gianni8127

    Full_Backup_BlackHole.3.0.2_VuSolo4K plug-in installed: oscam-1.20 ok mgcamd_1.35 ok IMDb HistoryZapSelector Iptv-Update (executes the scripts in the etc/scripts folder, script at default iptv + build xc_plugin) xc_plugin IPTVPlayer IPTVworld iSettingE2 Kodi epgimport other plugn and new config...
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    Picon for oscam tr bouquet : skyit srg tvsat redlight mediaset

    Picon for oscam transparent, bouquet : skyit srg tvsat redlight mediaset
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    NEW OSCAM COLLECTION 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - OScam Collection v.2.0 (31.03.2013) Reorganized and added files for download, now avaible: "QBOXHD" - "MIPSEL" - "PPC" - "PPC OLD" - "UBUNTU_32" - "UBUNTU_64" - "VPS" - "WINDOWS" -...
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    Mosaic F1 V3.0 (skyita) by falconet

    Mosaic F1 V3.0 (skyita)E2 oe1.6 by falconet
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    Pack for nemesis italysat blackhole E2-oscam-1.20-server_CCcam_2.2.1-emu.ipk

    OSCam vs CCcam OSCam dvbapi = on CCcam dvbapi = off OSCam reader_cccam =,12000 OSCam cccwantemu = 1 CCcam softcam = /var/keys/softcam CCcam costantcw = /var/keys/costantcw Oscam.server [reader] label = local_cccam protocol = cccam device...
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    OSCam SifTeam-Koala

    oscam-1.20_unstable-SifTeam-Koala.ipk OSCam configurations full with templates and url logo_sifteam & link forum sifteam & (ps | grep-v grep | grep-c oscam) this script is started and stopped with oscam. by gianni8127