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  1. T

    topfield 7700 hsci?

    hello, please tell me , is there any file (enigma ?) fot topfield 7700 hsci? thanks
  2. T

    topfield 7700 hsci and my diablo cam light ?

    Hello :-) Kargo tell me please, what can I get with my topfield 7700 hsci and my diablo cam light ? the twins are with the originals firmwire. what's the files I need? I have an official carte Canal+ witch I run with an powercam. but it seems that with my diablocam I can get others TV can you...
  3. T

    Hello all!

    salut à tous ! désolé mon anglais est catastrophique :-)je prefre m'exprimer en francais . merci de me recevoir parmis vous !! my english is very bad! so I'll try to contribute as I can :-) thanks for all to receive me in your forum merci !