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  1. F

    Frankensky Skin Open pli Unbranded By Fraggle121

    heres the frankensky skin with all the sky logos removed.... u can have both skins installed as this is called a different name.... its been tested on pli 3.0 and 4.0 always make a back up before u install incase something goes wrong... put the converters in /usr/lib/enigma2/python/converters...
  2. F

    frankensky skin open pli

    hello all heres my frankensky skin its based on the Concinnity-3D Skin created by MarkusK the ice mod was by ICEWAERE DESIGNS
  3. F

    hi there

    hello nice forum,,i will like it here.. I have tried posting my skins but it will not allow me... if u google fraggle121 skin u will see some of the work I have done. I have 3 vix skins and I ave just finished 1 pli skin....
  4. F

    cool tv guide skin with sky logos

    cool tv guide skin with sky logos ipk file hello all heres a skin for cool tv guide,,, if u have cool tv guide installed already on your box use this. remember to make a back up of your box incase anything goes wrong.not that it wil. its been tested on open pli and works fine..i am working on...
  5. F

    Cool epg Guide Sky Skins

    heres my skin I haven't made the ipk but I will post the files needed.just ftp your box and replace the files with the ones I have posted let me know if u like it only use these files if u have cool tv guide already installed enjoy when I get the ipk ill post it but for now u can use this. I...
  6. F

    any one know how to create a image

    how do u create my own enigma image with all my cams and files built in