Delete all your biss keys and try again.
@AhmedCeNa thank you for your help. I deleted all my BISS keys and went back on the channels. They are all updated now.
which games are on which channel, if you don't mind me asking?
I tried inputting the BISS key on my Viark but it jusy says "Updating BISS Key" on the channel
so after taking a look at my softcam.key, I have the EMM keys in them
but I still have to manually update the 00 and 01 keys manually
Are you saying there should be a more automatic way of doing it? :)
It's absolutely atrocious which is a shame!!
Tried changing the resolution to 4k25 but it still stutters.
The box can clearly do FTA UHD so this is a minor gripe for now I guess
Hey everyone.
Sorry to be a noob here.
How do I get the AFN keys running on my VU 4k which has OpenATV 7.1 image on it.
I have OSCam r11718-798 installed. Do I need to put the keys in softcam.key?
Many thanks all