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  1. waldmeister

    Post Crypt8's here inc. Sat & Freq. [Request Or Post] PLEASE DO NOT POST BISS KEYS HERE POST KEYS IN BISS KEY SECTION/PM

    23,5°E 11524 H 14400 PID: 200h B8h-Crypt8:94 A4 84 C6 DE 20 BD 93 [E] Count:5127373
  2. waldmeister

    new SAT-receiver for BISS key Feeds

    for the living room iam looking for a new sat-receiver to watch all the 4:2:0 feeds. what receiver should be good to enter biss key easy (or via home-network & PC)?
  3. waldmeister

    Discussion about all FEEDs

    A friend told me he has access to a Satserver site, were he can get access to alot of Sats and can get there streams over the internet to record. He has no dish or any other equipment. Does anyone know what kind of server or service he means?
  4. waldmeister

    Discussion about all FEEDs

    Can someone upload WWe Bash In Berlin 4:2:0 Main Show?
  5. waldmeister

    Discussion about all FEEDs

    thanks Barney. I know about 4:2:0 and 4:2:2 and dark matches. Just wanted a confirmation the dark matches I posted were on these 2 feeds. Thanks.
  6. waldmeister

    Discussion about all FEEDs One of the 7°E 4:2:2 feeds should showed it.
  7. waldmeister

    Discussion about all FEEDs

    yes regonized. Have someone watvched this feed yesterday and can say what kind of broadcast?
  8. waldmeister

    Discussion about all FEEDs The feed was active sagain yesterday for Smackdown. Are these the 4:2:2 feeds direct from the arena to Stamford...
  9. waldmeister

    [E² Plugin] AddKey aka Biss key Editor

    Is the latest version of AddKey plugin also working with VTI-Image?
  10. waldmeister

    4K 4:2:2 Receiver available?

    yes I know how to stream to PC via webif. Bit I want to know how to stream to VLC to you e.g. fireTV stick with VLC instead of PC
  11. waldmeister

    4K 4:2:2 Receiver available?

    As written here, I can stream 4:2:2 feed to VLC. I have VU+ Duo4K SE and fireTV-Stick4k with VLC. What is to do on the VU+ side and what on VLC?
  12. waldmeister

    Easy BlindScan

    All download links for EBSpro are down. Can someone upload EBSpro v18.0.0.4?
  13. waldmeister

    for sale: 2 combo tickets for WWE Smackdown & MITB at o2 London

    Due to family issues I have for sale 2 combo tickets for WWE Smackdown (June 30th) & MITH (July 1st) at the o2-Arena London. Iam selling them for original ticket. Please contact me via PM for details.
  14. waldmeister

    LAN-streaming with DVBDream

    I would like to stream from DVBDream to an VLC Client within my homenet. I have set DVBDream and VLC like follow pictures, but didn´t get any picture on VLC. My router ip is The IP of the PC running DVBDream & VLC is Any help?