Search results

  1. T

    For Sale CubeRevo Mini

    Anyone know a site i can sell my CubeRevo Mini? just put it on ebay and it got removed? WTF? looking for about 205 if anyones looking for a black one
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    Ukraine v England on 10th Oct. TRT1 Biss @ how?

    how do you get this on dm800 and cccam on mgcamd
  3. T

    HDTV Jerking Picture on FTA

    Sometimes my CubeRevo minis picture starts to jerk as if it cant keep up with the video It happens on both FTA BBCHD and Sky HD channels has anyone else had this issue? it usually happens after ive been recording for a while and even after ive stopped i have to remove the hard drive and turn...
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    Incubuscam and Nagra2

    is there anyway to get incubuscamd to unlock Nagravision 2 channels? with maybe a softcam.key or something?
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    Incubuscam or Other EMU for unlocking channels

    I was wondering if its possible to unlock some of the old Nagra2 channels on the cuberevo using either mgcamd or incubus? how is it done? i used to use cccam to do it on my dm500s and it was pretty straight forward just put nagra2 files and keys in right folder Currently just using incubus at...
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    Incubuscamd Enigma2 and Sky Box Office

    I've read its possible to get sky box office working on enigma2 with the dreambox is the same possible with the CubeRevo and Enigma2 anyone tried it?
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    SKY UK EPG on Mini or 9000

    Is it possible to get the full EPG for either the Mini or 9000? Either via satellite EPG or downloading from a website such as radiotimes tried myepg but im guessing that isnt for sky uk What Providers EPG is supported via plugins on Sifteam / NLB Images Is Sky UK EPG supported on the...