Search results

  1. M

    UHTV 4k

    Any idea how to see HD + with a Diablo Cam 2.3. I have a Sony 4k . Best
  2. M

    Fan/temp controller for DM8000

    Small plugin for the temperature-/fan-controll. Best
  3. M

    incubus Camd config help is needed

    How can I make incubusCamd work for cs with my ipBox9000HD? I can't get it to work with enigma2. Please help step by step!:confused: Best
  4. M

    Enigma for ipBox 900 HD

    There is coming soon a enigma for ABipBox 900HD. Release is for October or November see the video: Skål:
  5. M

    AB image ********* Changelog Fixed: - can read old versions of USB stick - EPG on UPC Direct and Cifra+ - support HDD sleep - can't deleting recording file Add: - support Multi Mount Manager - support RGB output - page skip with L/R button in FAV list Recommended...
  6. M

    Enigma ipBox news

    Her is a screen shoot from the Enigma under development. From :)
  7. M

    Enigma 2 for ipBox 9000 ?

    Have any body some news about the Enigma 2 for the ipBox 9000HD. On some other boards you can see some pics. But hard to tell if they are fakes,with a photoshop everthing is possible! So I hope some of you have news!!!:)
  8. M

    Need help for PC-editor

    Can some body tell me how I can connect the PC Editor via Telnet (via LAN) to the ipBox? :confused:
  9. M

    How to upload new Image in 9000HD???

    What is the best way to upload new Images (like r6542)into the box? With USB or Telenet? A short instruction would help! :confused:
  10. M

    Username and passwort

    I have just got my box, so I am new concerning the ipBox 9000HD. What username and passwort I have to use to connect with ftp to the box?:confused: